when you love

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when you love someone,
you learn to accept their flaws
you don't need to
love what they love
even if you hate it
or like what they like
even if it's basic

appreciate their personalities
and learn to accept it
say not a word of annoyance
instead, be happy for them
don't ever treat their suggestion
with scorn,
don't judge their whole being just
because their opinion doesn't suit you

we are all equal in love
no matter what age, appearance,
status, religion, or race you have
because when you love, you don't boast what differs you from each other
but be proud of what's keeping
you together

you'll never know your last glance
with them who stayed by your side despite the difficulties
and understand you in whatever circumstances

cherish and accept your loved ones
for when they feel appreciated,
they will love you more
knowing that there are no boundaries keeping you apart

all that you see is not real
sometimes, what's real cannot be seen

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