I can't fix you (Hers)

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I met you when
we were both fragile
as glass.

Since then, you had
my heart and made
me change.

I wanted to be
strong and try to
fix you.

I thought t'was easy
I thought you're helping
yourself too.

But I didn't stop
hoping that someday you'll
get better.

Your smile makes me
forget all the pain
I'm experiencing.

I told myself that
i'll never get tired
of you.

But I have forgot
That I am a
human too.

I get angry, I
get tired, I lose
patience too.

I become hopeless, surely
love is not enough
for us.

I gave up and
realized that I can't
fix you.

I can't quit youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora