Pond Day

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(Alex's POV)

I was walking down the street when I saw him. He was handsome, to say the least. Being my luck, I tripped and fell into his arms. "Woah there, you okay?"

He's so strong...


I realized I had just been staring at him, while I am in his arms. Great first impressions, Alex. "U-uhm, yeah I'm f-fine.. Sorry about that..."

"Its fine. Everyone trips sometimes," he said smiling at me. Damn.. I think. "What's your name? Or can I just call you 'sir' everytime we talk?"

"O-oh, I'm Alex. How about you?"


Why does he seem so familiar?

"Hey, I was heading to a coffee shop just around the corner, wanna join me?"

"S-sure.. I'd love to!" I answer Mark, smiling.

Mark...Mark... sounds cool.

On our way to the coffee shop, I got a message from my friend Jaque.

Jaque: Are you on a date???

Alex: uh, not really but I want it to be. How'd you know?

Jaque: it's the gay powers dude

I laugh and Mark tries looking at my phone.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing. My friend, Jaque, just texted me. She has some pretty funny memes."

"Can I see?"


Shit. Ooh! I could use the cat meme she sent yesterday.

I went to the photo and handed him my phone.

He smiled and chuckled. "That's pretty funny. I have a friend named Sean, but everyone calls him Jack,"

"Oh, cool."

Time skip to Coffee Love (the coffee place)

"Sir," Mark says, holding the door for me.

"Thank you, you're such a gentleman!" I say, smiling dumbly. We walk up to the barista, who smiles and asks what we would like. I order a double shot macchiato with extra whip cream and Mark just gets a plain coffee with cream. "There's no seats in here. Let's see if we can find somewhere else," Mark says to me while the barista hands us our coffees. "Good idea Markimoo."

Mark and I decided to drink our coffee in the park nearby. We sat on a bench sitting in front of the small pond. "Marki!! I wanna feed the duckies!" I say, spotting a couple of ducks on the pond. "Look, there's a pretzel stand over there. My treat," Mark said, smiling. I could tell my eyes were lighting up with joy. I run over and order one pretzel, Mark close behind me. Mark pays for it while I run over to the little fence above the pond, just next to where the ducks are. I start throwing tiny pieces of bread from the pretzel in the pond, the ducks gobbling it up. "Hehehe, the ducks were hungry!" I say to myself. "Alex! Watch out!" Mark says. I turn around to ask why, but I get shoved over the side of the little fence by a guy on a bike. "Alex!! Are you okay?!" Mark yelled at me, worry edging his voice. "You scared the ducks away!!" I scream at the person that pushed me. "Oh my gosh! I'm so so sorry my bike lost control and-" the guy was trying to apologize. Meanwhile, I'm still sitting in the water, soaking wet, and Mark was trying to figure out a way to get down and help me.

To be continued... 

Alex X MarkiplierWhere stories live. Discover now