Love at first sight. 2

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Y/n's POV.

"Y/n? What happened? Why are you crying? " Harry asked me.

I hug him and he hugged me back running his hands thorough my hair.

He make me sit on the nearest bench ,
It was 11:30 at night so the street was quite..

I don't know if I tell him..
But i want to.. I want to hold someone and let it all out.

"He died" I said and sobbing.

"Who died y/n? " Harry asked concern all over his face.

"My Dad" i cried.

"Oh..I am soo sorry " harry said still hugging me.

" I killed him harry " I cried.

Harry looked at me and said,
"What?" He said

"I couldn't afford his treatment..
What kind of daughter am I ? " I said.

Harry's POV.

" I couldn't afford his treatment..
What kind of daughter am I ? "
Y/n said

And then everything makes sense.
Why was she working in such a young age.

I feel soo bad for her.. she was the most nicest person I've ever met,
She shouldn't be treated like this.

I don't know what to say.. she kept crying so I let her cry..

After good 15 minutes of her crying she said "I am sorry, I wasted your time. " 

"No not really." I said.

" You said you are not a good daughter, but I must say that you are the best daughter in the world.
You couldn't afford you father's treatment but that doesn't mean you are not tried and you loved your father..he must be proud of you."
I said.

"You know harry I loved him soo wish was to become an engineer, but I also lefted that just for my dad because he needed treatment and medication. " Y/n said .

It breaks my heart on what she said.
She was the best and the most strong girl.

I let her talk and let her take out all the stress and frustration.

I walk her home.

"Can I have your number?
In case.. any emergency happens you can call me" I said.

She smiled sofly and said
"I don't have a phone"

My face expression changed.
I felt sad for her.

" Hey , take my phone, I'll get another one  and I also know this number so I will call you.." I sad.

"No ,no harry , I  cannot take this "she said.

I insist and nobody can deny harry styles.
So she took it.

I goodbye her and went to a phone shop and buy myself a phone and quickly saved my number which is
Y/n's now. 

Our flight delayed, we were staying in Winslow for 2 more weeks.
I was happy because I will get to know y/n more.

And I also have to help her.

Y/n's POV.

I wake up at 11 am.

Brushed my teeth and made myself breakfast.

My mom decided that she will do some job because now she do not have to stay home take care of dad.

"Honey, take care of yourself,
I'll be back in an hour or two." Mom said , she was going for some interview.

Harry Styles ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora