Inner Demons

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This one shot includes a hero named Emily Smith she has gone through a lot in life and continues to go through some Hell. But no matter what she keeps fighting. 

Trigger Warning: Abuse/ Murder/ violence

"Darkest Night, Silent night, may the lark sleep tonight" Emily Smith repeated those words every night before going on patrol. It was a poem her mother used to say to her at night it was one of her favorite poems because to Emily Smith those were words of protection. Her father was away much he was either drinking or hooking up with some messed up chick she dreaded the nights when he would come home. Her mother would do some minor thing to upset him and he'd throw something at her when Emily was very little she watched her cruel father drive a knife through her mothers heart. Emily was only seven then and not knowing what to do she grabbed a shot gun and killed him she remember him towering over her with a belt in hand ready to strike her. But Emily didn't hesitate when she pulled the trigger her father fell to the ground with a loud thud and Emily rushed to her mothers side she cried over her mothers dead body and in that moment she promised herself that she wouldn't let another man hurt her ever again. 

A few years later Emily had been adopted by her grand parents in which were humble people who lived in the country. They didn't care about Emily killing her father they only cared about her safety and well being Emily had only been shown this much kindness with her mother but she still wasn't used to it. It took her a while to trust her grandfather but she instantly had a connection with her grandmother she loved it when her grandmother would tell her stories of long ago when she was a little girl. She especially loved hearing the mischive she got into as a little girl hoping fratetrains and all that good stuff. Emily did her best to remain a faithful daughter. She obeyed her grandparents and went to church on Sundays those were her favorite past times because not only was she allowed to sing but after a few of the girls that went there all went out for fishing and a picnic lunch. 

Emily longed for those days down at Willow Creek she missed her grandmothers home cooking and her grandfathers BBQ. She missed the sound of her grandmother humming while she stirred fried corn in a cast iron skillet while her grandfather sat at the dinner table counting the days taxes. Her grandfather loved old war stories and once they got television he would watch them until he fell asleep in his favorite recliner her grandmother would lean over and whisper that he was an old fart that loved cat naps. Emily would giggle and try to conceal the bursting laughter that rose inside of her. Emily never complained about the room she was sleeping in or the supper that was served because she had no need she loved them both her room was her mothers old room. Her grandmother said she could change it if she liked but Emily refused she liked it just the way it was covered in old 80's posters the bed was made neatly with a flowery quilt. The wallpaper was bright green with roses an old type writer sat on a desk in the far corner of the room and when Emily felt she urge to write she would get up even if it was the middle of the night. 

She would sit down at the little desk and chair pull a sheet of plain copy paper and type all her worry's and thoughts into it. Her grandmother had said she always had a bright and colorful imagination on accasion Emily would allow her to read some of her work and her grandmother was pinch her cheek and ask for more. Now eighteen and in collage Emily couldn't help but think of the old days after things had settled down with the court she judge was surprisingly nice and told her she did the right thing. She was a scared child he had said and everyone agreed with her and what he had said. Emily had worked hard her entire life to maintain a good reputation. She was kind and caring everyone in town loved her and said she had a heart of pure gold but while growing up and even now Emily has these things called inner demons they bothered her during the day and woke her from her sleep. 

She hadn't told anyone these things that the devil plays in her mind images of the past ones of beatings and yelling. Emily would hold it in all day and break down at night when she was alone and no one could see her or hear her when she put her guard down and let her wall fall. Emily didn't like it when it fell she hated it when someone said something about how kind a father their father had been. Or how their mother was still living to protect them from the dangers of the night Emily felt jealous every time she was around someone and their parents who were fine and smiling longingly at each other. She longed for a day when that would be her but she didn't want to let anyone in afraid they might harm her. 

Emily had heard stories of things happening like people who are abused pick out the wrong types. Well Emily didn't want that she wouldn't even go near a man unless she had to or she really trusted him and knew who he really was her mother had not known who her father really was but she didn't blame her. Not that she would ever admit it if she did Emily was careful and would continue to be cautious and to fight people may call her crazy for becoming an author and living out her dreams. While hiding from love and dating but she wasn't going to change she may be a good natured creature but that doesn't mean that she doesn't have thicker skin and will continue to fight. She will fight and hold God above all others she thanked him everyday for the life he has given her and the choices she has made she was a brave and couragous individual and would continue to be that way until the end of time.

A few years later 

The crowd cheered as I entered the room posters of the cover of my new book hung behind me. Emily Smith! Emily Smith! everyone cheered I sat down and took my place at the comic con stage. I smiled broadly sitting next to Jensen Ackles and Jared Paradaki the cheering stopped and we began talking.

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