MHA Oneshot

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Some context. I did a roleplay with BNHA_Instagram and they seem to have died. THEREFORE! I will finish what we started. This is basically an OC of mine that found his way to Denki Kaminari's instagram page, and sent him a PM. Turns out, he went to the same Jr. High as Mina and Kirishima, so they decided to get together and hang out. The OC is basically the most recent OC i put in my Just Stuff  book, but with a different quirk, and his name is Kanzaki Ibara (yes i know i already used that name, i'm terrible with names). His quirk is Ice Breath. Pretty self explanatory, he uses the moisture in the air to lower the temperature and raise the power of his breaths. If he uses it too much, his lungs will freeze up, and he'll get dehydrated. So yeah. Enjoy!

Kanzaki sat in front of the Mall entrance, waiting for his friends to arrive. He hadn't seen Kirishima in so long. Why change his hair though? Kanzaki simply decided to brush it off. He leaned against the wall, and plugged in his headphones. He played one of his favorites. An american song called "Somebody to Love" by an old band. He really did enjoy the song, but every time he listened to the slow music, he felt the sting of his old relationship. It was a few months back that she broke it off because of another guy. It was his first relationship. He had moved on from her, but it still stung knowing that she found someone else that was better than he was. He let out a long sigh, and tapped his foot to the slow rhythm of the song.

Meanwhile, Kaminari and the rest of the squad were searching for Kanzaki. Kaminari, being an idiot, forgot to set up a meeting spot. So, instead of messaging him, the group just wandered the mall aimlessly, trying to locate the ice-breath user.

Kirishima and Mina were looking for him specifically. They knew from his posts that this was the same guy they had known in Jr. High. Kirishima was especially stoked to find his old friend. He was the only person who actively encouraged Kirishima, other than Mina of course. But still, they had no idea where to find him, since Kaminari didn't bother to ask, Bakugo angrily reminding him of this, and Sero trying to calm down the ash-blonde. 

After a while longer, Kirishima looked over at the entrance to see a familiar dirty-blonde haired boy bouncing his head to another one of his favorite songs. He instantly recognized his Icy-Blue eyes, and ran over to greet his friend.

"Hey! Zaki!" yelled the crimson-haired hero in training as he ran over. 

Kanzaki removed one of his headphones and looked over to see his old friend. "Hey! Rocky!" he said excitedly, using his old nickname for his friend.

Kirishima instinctively pulled Kanzaki into a hug, lifted him up a bit due to their difference in strength. "How've ya been buddy?" he asked putting him down.

Kanzaki caught his breath after Kirishima release his bone-crushing hug. "I've been... cool." he said as he blew a small puff of his ice breath in Kirishima's face, causing him to chuckle a bit.

Kanzaki was then greeted by another familiar face, and a pair of pink arms wrapped around him, as Mina laughed and greeted him. "How are you?! Oh, I missed you!" she said, tightening the hug. 

Kanzaki hugged back, and then released the friendly embrace. "I missed you guys too! It's been way too long." 

Kanzaki didn't go to UA, or any of the other well-known hero schools. He went to a private hero school called JAMEHS, aka Japan Academy for Math, Engineering, Heroics, and Science. It's a school for people who want to be heroes of a more analytical sense. Basically a hero school for nerds. And Kanzaki was a giant nerd.

Kaminari walked up to the blue-eyed teen. "Hey man! Good to finally meet ya in person." he said with a smile. "You've already met Mina and Kirishima, this is Sero, and the one and only, Katsuki Bakugo." he said, pointing to a black haired teen with weird elbows, and an ash blonde respectively. Kanzaki gave them a wave. Sero returned it with a smile, whereas Bakugo merely scoffed and turned away. 

Mina turned to Kanzaki again. "So, how've things been with you and Kazumi?" she asked beaming at him. With Mina's matchmaker status, she had been the one who had gotten Kanzaki and Kazumi together. 

Kanzaki winced at the mention of her name. "She... broke things off for someone else." he said, looking down with a saddened expression.

Mina's expression changed to one of shock. "Oh, sorry! I had no idea. But hey, there are plenty of others!" she said with a big smile.

Kanzaki looked at that all-familiar smile once again. She had always been able to cheer him up. He smiled back. "You're right. Anyway, you guys ready for the movie?" he said. Everyone cheered, and Bakugo just scoffed again.


It had been a few days since the hangout with Kaminari and the gang, and since then, Kanzaki, Kirishima, and Mina had all gotten together to hang out a lot. It was nice to catch up with them. He missed spending time with his old friends. But it always stung whenever she would bring up how she managed to get Kirishima and Bakugo together. 

This obviously didn't get past the pink matchmaker. She had taken notice that while he had moved on from her, he was still sad about not having someone there. She remembered all the times that he said nice things about Kazumi when they were together. That she was so funny, and always made him laugh, and that he was glad that he could vent to someone who cared. She decided it was time to get him back out there. She took out her phone, and sent a much needed message to her friend.

text convo

Mina Ashido has changed her nickname to "Cotton Candy Cupid"

Cotton Candy Cupid: We need to talk. (monocle emoji)

Ice Ice Baby: Um... ok? Why? 

Cotton Candy Cupid: Just head to the UA dorms as soon as you can.

Ice Ice Baby: Am I in trouble? (sweating emoji)

Cotton Candy Cupid: Just head over. I promise this is for your own good.

Cotton Candy Cupid has left the chat

End text convo

Kanzaki looked at her messages, and shrugged. He didn't have much to do, so he got his blue hoodie, and headed over to UA. Ashido assured him that he wouldn't get in trouble for just going to the dorm common area. 

When he arrived, he saw Ashido, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero all with serious expressions as they sat on the sofa, Bakugo having an annoyed expression. "Why do we have to do anything for minty-breath?" he said angrily.

Ashido shot a quick glare at Bakugo. "Because he's our friend." she answered. Bakugo scoffed and turned away.

Kanzaki was confused. "Uh, guys? What's going on?"

Mina stood up on the table. "Members of the council! We are here today to address the issue of Kanzaki Ibara and his apparent loneliness relationship-wise."

Kanzaki sweat-dropped. He found this unnecessary, but knowing Mina, she wasn't going to let this go. He let out a long sigh, and sat down.

Vote if you want a part two! YEET!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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