I opened my mouth to say what, but he intervened and left my sentence incomplete, he blurted out to me, "what is it with you and Thomas?", I said "what? I don't understand," he said "you do understand, you have been having tea and lunch with him regularly," I said, "yes so what?" He said "he is not a nice person, he is a womanizer," I said "but he has not done anything with me, neither have I."

My voice went unheard, he demanded that he never wants to see me with him again, I got so upset, I asked him, "and who are you to tell me that. My private life is not your business."

His body got tensed; I could hear the grinding of his teeth. He banged on the table, got up, kicked onto the chair he was sitting on and said "how dare you are asking me who I am. All I am saying is to stay away from him."

By then, I got frustrated with him, though I was scared of his behavior yet I got up and said, "I don't want to talk about this. You have no right to choose who I sit with and who not."

He held my hand and forcefully pulled me closer to him, crushing my body onto his and said: "Nancy, this is a warning, don't let me lose my temper." He said, "if you don't stop, then this can go worst."

I was trembling by now, I yelled back at him and said "who are you to dictate, what I do with my life and my friends," and told him "I am sick of you". I continued to say, "I will talk to Thomas whether you like it or not".

He stood staring at me, I pushed him and ran out of his office, crying and very angry thinking that what does he thinks of himself.

I spent the rest of the afternoon in the filing room. Once or twice a few girls peeped onto me and I waved back.

While riding back home, Jonathan was unusually quiet and did not say anything. He was looking straight on the road with a stern face. He may still be angry with me but did not say anything.

Next morning James and I went to the office, the whole week Jonathan did not accompany us to work.

In his absence, I noticed that the office environment was cozy, the staff were joking, laughing and were relaxed. Thomas and I had a few tea breaks together.

In the group, someone said about the staff function to be held on Saturday night, surprisingly, I did not hear this from Jonathan.

Probably he was too angry to tell me. He must be coming to the function with Lorraine. Thomas asked me if he can pick me up for the function, I replied, "yes".


While in my office, I saw a few times when Nancy and Thomas were having tea breaks together.

With the team, it is okay but I started seeing them going for lunch breaks together and at times, only two of them were having lunch together.

At the sight of these two, I couldn't help but feel jealous and extremely angry. She was looking more comfortable with Thomas than she ever did with me.

One day they both walked past my office, so much into each other, talking and laughing that Nancy did not even look at me.

And this was enough for me, In the afternoon, I waited for the office to clear out, I stormed into Nancy's office and pulled her to my office to have a word.

I completely lost it when she asked me who am I to ask her this question, I could not think of anything but tell her that Thomas is a womanizer.

I should have just told her that I have started to fall in love with her. I was too angry to tell her at that point in time, damn, she was acting stubborn and told me that she will see Thomas despite me telling her not to.

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