.Hitoshi Shinso.

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Please do not feel inclined to fill out the mental health test. I want everyone to feel comfortable reading this story and if anything triggers you, dont hesitate to tell me so I can change it/put a warning!


"Alright, due to some problems that have come up recently, Nezu wants everyone to take a mental health test. Be honest on it, it's only me looking at them." Mr. Aizawa said, flipping through a stack of papers.

Is this really all class 1A does? I work hard to get here and this is what happens? Woooow.

"...inso...Shinso!" Someone yelling my name snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I- uh. yeah?" I stuttered, looking up at the teacher.

"Pay attention. Iida pass out these papers. Wake me up when you guys finish it." He said tiredly, laying on the ground. Yup. that's him.

I looked down at the paper in front of me.

Name Hitoshi Shinso

This test will be made up of simple yes or no questions. Answer the questions truthfully. Only your teacher and/or parental guardian will be seeing the results unless you choose otherwise.

1. Have you been diagnosed with a mental disorder prior to taking this test?

No Yes, (Please specify)______________

2. Have you felt worthless in the past Seven days? If so, on a scale of 1-10 how bad? (1= not bad. 10= very bad)

No Yes ( ______)

3. Have you had trouble sleeping, falling asleep, or staying asleep? If so, on a scale of 1-10 how often? (1= not often. 10= very often)

No Yes (10, very often)

4. Have you experienced mood changes frequently in the past Seven days? If so, please elaborate.

No Yes (Please elaborate)_____________

5. Have you lost interest in the things you used to like to do?

No Yes

6. Have you felt like hurting yourself or others in anyway in the past seven days?

No Yes

7. Have your eating habits changed in the past seven day? (eating more often or not eating as much.) If so, please specify.

No Yes

Now that you have reached the end of the questions, please give this paper to your teacher and wait for further instructions.

I did what the paper told me to do and stood up from my chair, walking up to Mr. Aizawa's desk.

"Hey, everyone's finished the paper, wake up." I said, slightingly nudging my sleeping father with my foot.

"Yeah, okay."

I walked back to my seat and fell into my place, glancing around the room.

Kaminari seemed off, he was tapping his foot like crazy and I feel bad for the desk as he beat it up with the pencil he had in his hand.

Izuku was still beaming, looking around the room as well. He caught my eye and stated to sign.

"Do you know what is wrong with Kaminari?" It was quiet amusing watching him finger spell Kaminari, he could have just said Denki.

"No. I thought you would." I responded with a sigh.

No one else other than Aizawa knew sign language but he wasn't paying attention to us. It was funny watching everyone try to figure out what we were talking about though.

"We can ask him later." He signed, but his facial expressions gave the hint that it was a question.

"Yeah sure." That's where the conversation ended so I continued looking around.

My eyes landed on Bakugou. If he isn't diagnosed with anger issues, I'm gonna riot.

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