56. Nighteye's target

Start from the beginning

Sir was standing by his desk with Bubble girl opposite him.

"You're almost late."

"Almost sir!" Mirio piped up.

"Never mind it. Hurry up now."

We filled in around his desk as he scanned a book.

"We're patrolling and doing surveillance today." He placed the book down. "We'll divide into two groups. One being Bubble girl and I. The other being (L/N), Mirio, and Midoriya."


"The Nighteye agency is doing a secret investigation." Bubble girl mentioned.

"Shie Hassaikai is a small villain group." He turned the book around so we could see a photo of a brown haired man with a bird's like mask covering his nose and mouth. "The young head, or second in charge, Chisaki, has been having strange actions recently. The plague mask is like a symbol."

"Scary mask!" Izuku suddenly input, picking up the photo of the man. "But aren't designated villain groups watched by the police?"

"There was a big break up in the past, the group fell apart. This Chisaki guy is starting to gather them again for some reason. He even made contact with the League of Villians. We don't know much about it though."

I gently took the photo out of Izuku's hand to scan it closer for myself. Even through the photo, I could tell he had some strange aura about him that didn't sit well with me.

"We have no proof he's up to anything criminal. Hassaikai is a gray close to black."

I went to say something about the strange feeling I was being given but Sir snatched the photo from my hand.

"We cannot treat them like villains. We're after their tail." He flipped the photo so we could gain one last look. "Don't let them gain any suspicion. If you happen to run into them, limit interaction as much as possible."

"Yes sir!" The ones around me chimed.

"S-Sir may I have a moment?" I held up my arm as the Mirio and Izuku were leaving the room. Bubble Girl following shortly after.

"I already know what you're going to say, and I agree."

"B-but I haven't even.."

"If it's about the unnerving feeling Chisaki gives off, then I agree. That's specifically why we're watching him."

"I feel that it's much deeper then that! I think he is-"

"I'm aware you're a professional (L/N). Keep in mind that I am as well. You are still technically a child and need to develop your skills. As long as you are working under my agency, you will take my orders. Am I making myself clear?"

"...Yes sir.." I mumbled, leaving the room.

"Is everything alright (Y/N)?" Mirio asked as I came out.

"It's fine. I just believe this Chisaki character is doing a lot more then getting his gang back together..."

"W-what?" Izuku questioned.

"I don't know.. Just a feeling."

"If I've learned anything from you, it's that when you have a strange feelings about something, it's for a reason." Mirio said, with his usual powerful stride.

We made our way out of he building and into the streets.

A couple glances were thrown our way which sent me back to the simpler times of patrol.

Things didn't weight on my mind as much, I was still new and carefree, mostly interacting with people as much as I could. Whenever there was an event that caused me to go into a action, it was nearly always relatively small.

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