Part 9: Training

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Bakugo POV:

Mr. Aizawa walked over to me and Deku. He picked me up and walked back to where he was standing before.

"This is your target. I will be splitting you all into nine teams of two. Four people will go at a time, one pair being the heroes, the other pair being the villains. The villains will be trying to keep Bakugo in the area back there-" I looked behind Mr. Aizawa to see it. In the center I saw a tall platform. It looked big enough for a few people to stand on it.

Mr. Aizawa continued speaking. "-And the heroes will start on opposite sides of the room trying to get Bakugo back to me. You will have a ten minute timer. The villains win if that timer runs out, but the heroes will win if Bakugo gets back to me before that."

Iida raised his hand. "Sir, you said that we will be put into pairs of two, but with Bakugo like this, isn't there nineteen of us?"

"Kirishima left earlier. He had to go to his work study today and won't be back for a while." Iida nodded and said "Thank you for the clarification, sir."

Mr. Aizawa just sighed. "Oh, and one more thing before we start. Whether you're the hero or the villain, you are not to seriously injure the hostage."

Now, I looked over at Deku. He seemed worried. Mr. Aizawa started to run with me still in his arms. I clinged to his shirt. He ran across the gym, and over all of the obstacles. He jumped and landed on the top of the platform. He set me down.

I looked to where the group was. They were so far away, and so far down. I backed away from the edge to the center of the platform. I sat down.

Mr. Aizawa looked at me. "You'll be fine. No one is going to intentionally hurt you." Then, he jumped off and went back to the group, leaving me all alone.

Deku POV:

I can't believe we're doing this! Mr. Aizawa came back and told us our teams. I was paired with Uraraka. We were up first playing as the heroes against the villains- Todoroki and Iida. We were given five minutes to strategize.

I could hardly pay attention to Uraraka. I kept looking back at Kacchan, hoping he was okay. "Hey Deku, are you listening at all?"

I looked over at Uraraka. "What? Sorry, please continue." She seemed worried for me. "Look, I know you care about him, but we need a plan if this is going to work."

She was probably right. We each came up little bits of a plan, then folded them all together into one. Before we knew it, five minutes was up.

We went to our separate areas as Todoroki and Iida went to the platform where Kacchan was. Mr. Aizawa was getting ready to start the training. We heard the buzz of the starting timer, and the training began.

Bakugo POV:

I heard a loud noise, I think the beginning timer. I flinched at the sound and covered my ears. Todoroki walked over and kneeled next to me. He said nothing, and just smiled.

"Todoroki, we must be looking out for our enemies." Todoroki sighed. He pet my hair, then got up. I didn't like this training at all.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a green light speed by. Deku was here! Todoroki and Iida didn't seem to notice him, though. I stayed quiet.

Before I knew what was going on, I was snatched from the platform! Uraraka had me in her arms. Iida saw this and jumped from the platform to catch her, but I felt my body become weightless. She threw me in the air, then Deku grabbed me as he jumped across two pillars.

"I got you, Kacchan. It will all be okay." I clung to his suit not wanting to let go.  As Deku was running, a sheet of ice blocked his path. "You're not getting away so easily, Midoriya."

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