Part 8: Class

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Really quickly, thank you all so much! I didn't expect anyone to actually read this story! I already have 29 reads on it! It might not seem like much compared to big writers out there, but it's a lot for my first time trying to write a fanfiction! Now, back to the story.

*Monday morning*

Deku POV:

I wake up to hear my alarm clock. I shut it off as quickly as I can, because I don't want to wake Kacchan. His tiny body needs all the rest it can get. I slowly get out of the bed, still trying not to wake him. I was successful.

I grab my uniform, then head down to the shower. I heard Kacchan move and I stopped in my tracks. He was still asleep. I left the room, and quietly shut the door.

Bakugo POV:

I slightly opened my eyes as I started to wake up. Something didn't feel right. I tried to curl up by Deku, but realized that he wasn't there!

I sat up, now wide awake. "Deku!" Where did he go!? I got off the bed and looked everywhere! I checked under the bed, by the desk, and on the balcony, but I couldn't find Deku!

I started to panic. "Deku!" I couldn't hold it in anymore. I got really scared. I dropped to my knees and broke into tears.

Deku POV:

I had finished my shower, and I was mostly dressed. I was buttoning up my shirt when Mineta came up to me. He sleeps in the room on my right.

"Midoriya, can you please do something about that child's crying? I was having a good dream about Mount Lady when he woke me up!"

"Wait, did you say crying?" I stopped what I was doing and ran to my dorm as fast as I could. When I got to my door, I could definitely hear crying. I ran in.

"Kacchan!" When I got in, I saw him on the ground. He was crying really hard. I ran up to him. "Kacchan!" He just looked at me and held out his arms. I picked him up.

He held on really tight and continued to cry. "Deku! Why did you leave!?" I felt really bad. "I'm sorry, Kacchan. I just wanted to let you sleep." I held him tighter, then I put him on the bed. Kacchan refused to let go.

"No! Don't leave again!" I grabbed his arms in my hands and took them off of me. It wasn't that hard to do. Kacchan wasn't that strong. "I'm not leaving. I promise. I'm just going to get you some clothes."

I let go of his arms, and they fell in his lap. As I walked to my closet, I heard Kacchan whine. I turned to face him. "I'm just going to the closet to get you some clothes. See?" I didn't break eye contact with him as I walked backwards to the closet.

Kacchan still looked scared. I turned my head and got him a pair of clothes, then I walked back to him. He was still crying, but it had slowed down.

I let him try to get himself dressed today so that I could finish buttoning up my shirt. I was almost done when I heard Kacchan.

"Deku, help me!" I looked over to see that Kacchan had tried to put his head through the sleeve of his shirt. He had gotten stuck.

I laughed a little. "Just a second, hold still." I took a quick picture of him, then got him unstuck. I helped him get his shirt on correctly.

I packed him a small bag with toys, a few snacks, and a blanket if he needs to take a nap. "Let's go down to the bathroom now. The rest of my uniform is in there."

Kacchan nodded, and I picked him up. I went to the bathroom to finish getting ready. Kacchan sat on the counter as I did so. Then, I got the two of us something to eat.

When we were finished, I picked up Kacchan, grabbed our bags, and headed towards the school.

We got to our class, and I was surprisingly early. Normally, I would make it just before the bell rang. We had at least a good twenty minutes before the start of class.

I sat Kacchan in his usual desk, which is right in front of mine. This way, I can keep an eye on him. I handed him a few of his toys. He played with them for a while.

I scrolled through the news to see if there was an update on the villain. Unfortunately, there was nothing. I sighed and put my phone down. I looked up to see Kirishima crouched next to Kacchan.

Bakugo POV:

I was playing with my toys when Kirishima came over. "Hey Bakugo!" I smiled at him. "Whatcha playing with?"

I showed him my toys. They were mainly pro heroes, but also a couple of villains. Kirishima seemed amused. He continued to laugh, probably thinking this was cute.

I set down my toys and reached my arms up. "You...want me to pick you up?" I smiled and nodded. There's something about being held that feels nice.

Kirishima looked at me, then smiled. "Okay, fine." He put his hands under my arms and lifted me. Then, he put me on his shoulders and held on to my feet. I didn't expect that, but I found it amusing. I started to laugh.

He started to speed walk, not running because Iida will yell at us if he did. As people came in the door, they looked at us and thought that this was the cutest thing ever.

When class was about to start, Kirishima put me back in my desk. That was so much fun! He messed up my hair, then went to his seat. I turned around to see Deku. He smiled and giggled a little bit.

Deku POV:

It was really cute to see Kacchan play on Kirishima's shoulders. After Kacchan was back in his seat playing with toys, the bell rang. Not long after, Mr. Aizawa walked in looking drained from energy like normal.

"Good morning, everyone. Let's get started. I hope you're all well rested, because we're working extra hard in training today." Everyone's expressions stayed the same, but I could tell that they were all panicking on the inside.

Mr. Aizawa continued."I did have a plan for today, but because of Bakugo's current condition-" he glanced at Kacchan, who was playing with toys "-we will be doing something a little different. Now, go get changed into your costumes."

We all did as he said. I brought Kacchan with me to get my costume. As I grabbed mine, Kacchan looked at his costume, then looked at me with a sad expression on his face.

"I know, Kacchan. But it'll be too big on you." He sighed and followed me to the locker room where I got changed. I took Kacchan's hand and he walked with me to the gym.

When the whole class got there, Mr. Aizawa was waiting with Mr. Cementos, who was making all sorts of obstacles in the area, like different-leveled ground, twists, turns, sharp edges, and a platform in the center that was raised up much higher than the rest of the gym.

Mr. Aizawa spoke."Today, you will be working on helping a hostage."

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