I just want to keep showing you all the wonderful things that are out there.

Start from the beginning

"It wasn't the worst idea, okay." Adam said, defending himself.

"Whatever you say Hann." Ross winked at him. We all begun walking down the trail, taking in the nature.

It was refreshing in a way, seeing the forest. All I've seen for the past week was venues, clubs and crowds of people. As nice as it's been for me to see different parts of the UK, this was a lot more calming.

Matty grabbed my hand as we walked, trailing behind the guys a little. "How are you doing?" He asked me.

"Okay, why?" I looked at him, confused as to why he was suddenly asking me.

"I just wanna make sure you're okay, this all a big change for you." He said, looking around us as we walked. The trees were swaying a little at the tops due to the wind but thankfully it wasn't travelling down to the ground too much because of the volume of trees surrounding us.

"I'm just happy we've decided to change the pace today and just enjoy the simpler things, like even just walking through this forest has been so refreshing." I told him.

"I know what you mean." He nodded. "Do you like the touring life?"

"It's different, I wasn't expecting to ever do anything like this in my life but I've had fun and learned a lot." I smiled.

"I'm just really happy you decided to come, not just for my sake but they fucking adore you." He looked at me, grinning.

"I'm just the life of the party." I said, swaying our hands as we walked.

"We've never really had a mate in our group that's a girl for a long time. I know we're dating and such but like, realistically speaking you were mates with us all first." He rambled. "That's not happened since we were like, kids."

"I've never really had a group of friends that were just lads." I told him. "I only really hung out with a few girls from high school, that's it really so it's different for me."

"How so?" He asked.

"Well it's a lot less pressure, I feel like with girls there's just always something to gossip about or drama to be told. With you lot it's just hanging out, drinking shitty wine and playing video games." I smiled to myself mostly. "It's just nice not to worry about petty little things, you lot are just fun to be around."

"I'm glad to hear that." He said, squeezing my hand. I looked on ahead and the guys begun walking into the woods, off the trail. "We need to make sure we don't get lost."

"Yeah, I was just thinking that." I laughed.

We followed them until they found a slight opening with a lot of tree trunks sprawled about. It was a nice place to stop. There was a river flowing nearby us too, the leaves had fallen all over the floor of the woods making the trees look bare but it was nice.

Adam sat down first and pulled out a bag of weed that had previously been ground up, some skins, filters and a lighter. "Let's get this party started." He grinned at us.

Matty and I sat on one log near Adam, Ross and George sat on another adjacent to us. I watched as Adam begun rolling up some blunts. Before I met them all I wasn't the kinda person that smoked weed much, it just didn't seem to fit in with my group of friends. I did smoke when I was in uni and high school a bit but nothing like this.

Adam passed one to Matty who just lit it up straight away. I always noticed how much he seemed to smile whenever he smoked weed. It seemed to calm him right down. He took a few puffs and then handed it to me. I mirrored his actions, taking in the intoxicating smell. I hate the smell of weed but I like smoking it.

FOREVER, YOURS // Matty Healy.Where stories live. Discover now