Ch 16

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"Alright Iida will be passing out your tests, you know the rules. No cheating, no talking, keep your eyes on the paper, got it?" Mr. Aizawa asked.

"Yes sir." The class responded boredly. Iida passed by y/n's desk, gently placing the paper on it. She immediately scribbled her name down and got to work. She'd studied hard for this test and she was determined to get a good score. She wouldn't let her staying up till morning be in vain. After freaking out multiple times she'd finished the test. Her paper was placed on Aizawa's desk and she returned to her own. 


"ALRIIIIGHT TIME TO LEARN SOME ENGLISH!" Mic yelled as the class began.  Y/n groaned, gripping her head at his loud voice. She still had a bit of a fever and such a loud noise gave her a headache.

"Are you alright?" Todoroki asked from beside her.

"Yep- just peachy," she said through clenched teeth.


As the day went on y/n felt worse and worse. "Guess I shoulda stayed home." She said to herself.

"What was that?" Kirishima asked her, they were getting food from the vending machine.

"Nothin, just talking to myself." She pressed the button for a bag of pretzels.

"Hey, losers, hurry it up!" Bakugo yelled as he walked over to them. Y/n coughed into the crook of her elbow.

"I got some pretzels if you want to share?" She looked to Bakugo.

"Tch, Like I'd want to share food with your sick ass." He glared at her.

"Hey! It's not my fault I'm sick!" She whined.

"Yeah Bakugo it's not her fault! Here, I'll take a pretzel y/n." Kaminari reached into the bag and took out a pretzel, immediately taking a bite out of it.

"Thank you Kaminari, dear." Y/n said jokingly.

"No problem hunny bun!" Kamari played along. Bakugo was fuming.

"QUIT THAT! HERE-," he snatched the bag of pretzels from y/n's hands.

"H-hey!" Y/n whined even louder. Bakugo dumped the rest of the bag into his mouth, some pretzels falling onto the floor.

"O-our pretzels!" Both Kaminari and y/n fell to the floor in agony. Their poor babies lying dead on the floor.

"Our son! Is he still breathing?!" Y/n cried as she held a singular pretzel in the palm of her hand.

"He's gone..." Kaminari wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Oh~ whatever will we do!" Y/n dramatically laid on the floor, hand on her forehead.

"g-G OD DAMNIT QUIT ACTIN LIKE A COUPLE OR SOMETHING!" Bakugo yelled at the two jokesters on the floor.

"DONT TALK TO MY WIFE LIKE THAT!" Kamari yelled dramatically.

"SHE'S NOT YOUR WIFE!" Bakugo yelled.

"Oh Y EAH?! WHAT IF I AM!" Y/n joined the yelling.

"YOUR IN HIGHSCHOOL!" Bakugo yelled at her. Immediately y/n and Kaminari looked at each other.

"Dang I think he got us." Kaminari whispered.

"Yeah..." y/n sighed, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. Both her and Kaminari had begun laughing quite loudly.

"Hey guys I'm baaaa- what happened?" Kirishima tilted his head to the side at the sight of y/n and Kaminari on the floor laughing with a bunch of pretzels laying on the ground while Bakugo stood above them, pretzel bag half melted but still in hand.

"Oh! Pffft AHAHHA i-it's a lot to explain!" Y/n snickered between words.

Kaminari stood up and helped y/n up.
"It's ok Bakubro, I won't steal your girl." he winked at the angry blonde.

"Tch," Bakugo crumped the bag in his hand and threw it away.


Bakugo walked in front of y/n, Kirishima, Kaminari who were also accompanied by Mina and Sero.

"Woow! Can't believe you were able to tame that beast HAHA!" Mina laughed as she pointed to Bakugo, who glared back at her remark.

"Cmon Mina that wasn't very nice..." Sero whispered to her.

"Whaaaat it was just a joke!" She laughed.

"It's fine! Bakugo can take it, he's tough!" Y/n smiled at them. The five of them yammered on about various things. Soon enough Sero and Mina went their separate ways as did Kirishima and Kaminari. And so y/n and Bakugo were left to walk alone.

"You know back then me and Kaminari were just joking...right?" Y/n leaned forward a bit, looking at Bakugo.

"Yeah, of course I know. I'm not an idiot like you." He said irritably.

"Yeahhh right." Y/n sighed at him and stopped walking. This was where they usually parted ways after their walk home.

"Well, I'll see you Monday." Y/n gave him a gentle smile. Bakugo stopped walking too and looked up from the ground at her. He said nothing, he only looked at her.
" ok? Your starin at me dude..." y/n let out a nervous breathy laugh. She could see emotions flit though his eyes fast as lighting. His eyes softened for only a moment, a twitch of the eyebrow indicated disappointment and lastly, his lips pursed for a second and then he was back to his grumpy self.

"Just go home." He said. Y/n started to worry for him.

"That's... the plan." She stated the obvious.
"You ok Katsuki?" He seemed to bristle at her question.

"I'm fine, just go home you idiot!" His nose scrunched in anger. Y/n raised her hands.

"Ok going! I'm going!" She laughed at him. "...but, if you need to talk about something I'm here for you ok?" Y/n smiled softly at him. Bakugo didn't speak, his eyes bored into hers. His mouth opened but only to let out a soft breath. Y/n looked back to his eyes. He seemed conflicted.
"I-I'll Go now ahah." Y/n let out a nervous laugh and started to walk towards her apartment.

Y/n closed the door to her apartment and leaned against it.

"What's with him?? Is he dying? Oh my god I think Kaminari and me broke him earlier..." y/n thought. She scratched the back of her neck as she locked the door and walked to her room.



ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
Idiot! (Bakugo Katsuki X reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें