Chapter 25

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// Jay & James (x what a coincidence I love them //




Annelise's POV

"Get up!" Blake yelled, trying to lift me up, but failing completely. "Are you fucking kidding me? Fine. Rob, you take them out, and tape their mouths shut." He spat, slapping me across the face. Before I can protest, Rob came over and plastered duck tape all over my face.

I wanted to scream when Rob lifted me up by my hair, but it was impossible. I can barely breathe. Rob swung Lily over his shoulder, and held me by my hand as he was taking us to his crapped up van. I feel like a child.

"What the hell?" I heard Rob mutter under his breath, as he was staring behind me. I turned around, and I couldn't believe what I saw.

"James?!" Blake yelled, which was probably a mistake for him. If Rob wouldn't have said anything, I most likely wouldn't have known that James is here.

"Hurry up, slut." Rob said,pulling me towards the van. I tried to rip apart from his hold, but his hand was much bigger than mine.

"Anne?" Lily whispered quietly, I could barely hear.

"Wha-" Before I could finish my sentence, Lily ripped the tape from my mouth, causing me to scream. "What the hell, Lily?!" I yelled even louder, as she just started smiling widely. I turned around, and saw that James was trying to push past Blake, trying to get to us. "No!" I screamed, when Blake hit him square in the stomach, making James fall down in pain.

"Bye, for now." Blake said, as he was running towards us. Rob threw Lily and I into the van, shutting the door tightly.

"Drive." Blake said, staring directly at Rob. Rob was just quiet, while he was listening to the police sirens coming closer. "I said Drive!" Blake yelled, shaking Rob.

"No." Rob said, whilst frowning. My jaw dropped when I saw Blake pull out a gun, aiming it right towards Robs' head. "Do you really want to do this, Blake? What has these girls done to you, that makes you want to torture them so much?"

"They ruined my life-"

"Lily didn't do anything!" I yelled, knocking some sense into his head. Yeah, I kind of understand why I'm here, but Lily has no part in this whatsoever. Blake's eyebrows raised, as he set a straight face.

"You're right, Anne." He said, glancing over at Lily. "I hated you ever since I met you." He said, but before I can react, Blake shot Lily at the side of her stomach.

"Blake?!" I screamed, as Lily was moaning in pain. "Do something!" I yelled, as she started coughing out blood.

"What do you suspect that I'm going to do? Help her?" He said, laughing after. "And you too." He said, shooting Rob by his shoulder. Blake then kicked Rob out with his foot, and picked up Lily, throwing her out too.

"What has Lily done to you, so badly that made you do this." I whispered, tears streaming down my face. "What have I ever done to you?"

"You left me, Anne!" He yelled, his eyes turning glossy. "And I loved you." He whispered, his voice cracking when he said 'you'. "But it's over now." He stated, pulling out of the parking lot. By the time we got out, the police were about a block away.

"Blake? Just give up, you're never going to get yourself out of this." I said, bawling my eyes out.

"Blake doesn't give up." He said, repeating it to himself. "Blake doesn't give up!" He yelled, and when I faced him, I noticed that he was crying.

"Blake, please. There are already about 15 police cars behind us." I said, as the police sirens were piercing my ears. I looked behind us one more time, and noticed that James was behind us too.

"Sorry, toots. That ain't going to happen." He said, pressing on the gas pedal, running straight towards a red light.

"Bla- Blake!" I yelled, screaming afterwards. I shut my eyes tight when I saw a huge semi truck passing through, but luckily we made it. "You're insane!" I yelled, punching Blake.

"You were never the strong type." He said, chuckling. My emotions were mixed. How can he be so bipolar?

"Blake, stop." I said, when I saw the train lights blinking. "Blake, a train is coming, you have nowhere to go." I said, looking at him through the mirror.

"Perfect." He said, as I stared at him confusingly. Before the street handles went down, Blake swerved the van into the tracks. Please don't.

"Blake, please." I cried, holding on to him, when I saw the train off in the distance. I looked to my left, and saw the police cars, including James, a mile away.

"So this is the end." He said, smiling to himself.

"It doesn't have to be."

"Yes it does, Anne. You don't understand!" He yelled, his eyes going wide. Blake sighed, and reached towards the back, grabbing something.

"What are-" I started, until he grabbed my wrists, tying them together. "Blake, do you really need to-" I groaned, when I realized my death was minutes away from me.

"Bye Annie."

I scrunched my face, until I heard a gun shot go off. I screamed in pain, the noise being unbearable.

"Blake?" I asked, opening my eyes. "Blake!" I yelled, crying horrendously. I cried on his lifeless body, not being able to comprehend to anything. My thoughts were interrupted, when I heard a train whistle. I got up, and saw that the train was a mile away from me, going at full speed.

"Anne!" I turned around, and saw multiple police cars, behind the street handle, trying to figure out something to do. I saw James jump over it, running towards the van.

"James?!" I yelled, staring at him wide eyed. "Go away, it's over!" I yelled, making him frown. "And as in over, I mean my life." I said, staring into his eyes.

"No, no no no no!" He yelled, trying to open the door. Before Blake passed, he tied me down, and locked the doors. The train whistle was even louder at the moment, since it got even more closer.

"James. I-I-I love you." I said, with all heart.

"No. It's not over." He said, and before I can do something, James smashed the window to pieces. James winced when the glass cut through his skin, but reached for the door handle, and immediately opened it. He lifted me up quickly, and pulled me out.

"No!" I yelled, when the train trampled over the old van, leaving it as ash and despair.


This is not the end of the story, btw. So much more to come, this is only the beginning.

Hope you guys liked this chapter? x

- Jessica xx

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