Chapter 9

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// Comment your favorite kick (; ♡ Mine is Diva Kick of course (x //




Annelise's POV

I screeched when I felt the blinds open, the sunlight slapping me right on the face.

"Gross, Anne! That was so unnecessary!" I pulled off my covers, and saw Jesse with his hands covering his ears.

"Shut up, Jesse." I stated bluntly, and I saw him roll his eyes.

"Oh, cmon Anne. You can't be mad forever."

"Well I'm willing to try!" I yelled, and I saw him shake his head. He then pulled out some shorts from his part of my dresser, and walked out the room.

"Well someone's in a bad mood." I murmured, walking over to my dresser, deciding on what to wear. I picked out a white plain v neck, with some black joggers. I'm not going anywhere today, so im going to blow out my presentable look. I really don't need the pressure.

I then decided to take a quick shower, and leave. I thought I was going to be over the little argument I had with them, but I guess I'm not. I really don't want to look at their faces. I don't even want to feel their presence around me.

I turned on the hot water, and stripped my clothes off. When I entered to small, but relaxing shower, I felt so relieved. If I didn't have this shower, I would probably be moping around all day, at the point of pulling out my hair. I quickly rinsed my hair out, and got out the shower in a jiffy.

I towel dryed myself, and slipped on my comfortable clothes. I looked in the mirror, and felt extremely unhappy. My hair was in knots, and I couldn't even believe it. I just got out the bloody shower! I chose to fix my hair up a bit, into a bow tie bun, with a white bow placed on the back. Cute and simple, just the way I like it.

I then applied some dark eyeliner, with a hint of mascara. I wasn't trying to overdue my makeup, so the last thing I applied was a peach pink lip balm.

I walked out my bathroom, and felt a bit intimidated. Don't ask me why, because I don't even know the answer. I sighed, and went over to my closet, and pulled out some black flats. I checked myself in the mirror one last time, and felt confident about my look. Not extremely confident, but confident enough. The last thing I grabbed before leaving, was my phone and wallet.

I timidly walked out my room, looking both ways in the hallway. Nobody was in view, and I thanked God for that. I tiptoed my way towards the door, mentally cursing to myself when somebody stopped me.

"Where are you going?" I glaced upwards, and saw James. I shrugged, because I honestly didn't know where I was going to go.

"Anywhere, but here." I said, with an eye roll. I was trying to be polite with him, but I just couldn't. It seems like he wants us to be distant, especially with his friends around.

"You have to stay."

"Yeah, and since when were you ever a control freak?" I said, causing him to face the floor.

"See, this exactly why I don't like talking to people." He whispered, but enough for me to hear.

"Wait, James-"

"No, forget it, just leave." He said, before running up the stairs. Why do I always have to ruin everything?

"Hey, where's Annelise?"

I jumped when I heard my name, and ran out the house. I knew it was Tom who asked, because of his voice. It took me a little bit to realize, that I had nowhere to go, then it hit me.

A coffeehouse down the block  opened a few weeks ago, and I've been eager to go check it out, and I felt like this was an opportunity.

I started walking down the road, and in a few I was standing right in front of it. It looks like a normal cheesy coffeehouse, with a stone designed fireplace. It felt so cozy.

"May I help you?" The middle aged woman asked me, and I felt stupid for standing in the line. I wasn't even planning on buying anything.

"Uh, may I get a vanilla bean frappuccino?" I said, unsure of what I was saying.

"Of course, that'll be $3.29" I grabbed my wallet, politely paying the cashier lady, who was named 'Judy'.

I went over to the counter, and in a few minutes my frappuccino was given. When I took a sip, it felt like I was in heaven. Do you ever have those moments in life, when you feel like everything's going great, but then it turns into a disaster? Well, that's exactly what was happening right now.

As I was too busy taking a sip of my coffee, I wasn't looking where I was going, and I accidentally bumped into someone, causing them to spill there iced coffee all over me. I'm just really glad it wasn't hot coffee.

"Oh my god, I'm terribly sorry- Annelise?"

"Hey." I replied, nervously. What is he doing here? Isn't he supposed to be in Georgia?

"What? You're so stupid that you can't talk straight anymore?" Blake teased, as I held back the urge to punch him in the face. You see, Blake's my ex. Our relationship didn't really end... well.

"Whatever, Blake. I'm leaving, bye." I said a bit too fast, which made him notice.

"Alright, I'll drive you then."

"No, I can walk myself home, it's not that-"

"I told you I was going to drive you." He said, anger evident in his voice. He grabbed my wrist tightly, twisting it.

"Let go." I said, trying to remove his firm fingers.

"Then get in the car." He said, pointing at his Cadillac.

"Alright." I said, not trying to make him angrier. He's already scary enough. He then turned around, to greet somebody. How fake.

While I was waiting for him to open his car, I felt so hopeless. I then decided to do something I never thought I would ever have the strength to do. I took a run for it.


Well hi.

ily ♡

- Jessica xx

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