I sighed. "I'm glad she's leaving.", Zion said. "Why you say that ?", Erica asked him. "Cause she's annoying as fuck. We can't do shit with Nick when she's around. She's always up his ass.", he explained. "Yeah, and then it pisses him off and he takes his anger out on everyone.", Edwin said. "I know about his anger. Only a few things calm him down.", I tell them.

"Please tell us !", I heard someone say. I saw their band mate Austin. He looked very interested in knowing. "Well, I'm not going to tell you guys everything.", I say as I chuckled. "Just tell us what we need to know.", Brandon said. I looked at all of the boys. They were determined to know.

"Well, you can start off by getting him some food without telling him. Just surprise him.", I say. "Will that make him less angry ?", Edwin asked. "Yeah. He'll calm down for a little.", I say. "Ok, anything else ?", Austin asked. "Play some music. Like old school R&B. He loves it. He can't fight it. He'll cheer up and start dancing real quick.", I say with a smile.

"We talking like 80s R&B ?", Brandon asked. "Yeah and 90s and early 2000s. He loves the throwbacks. You'll see.", I say as I wink at all of them. "Sorry I wasn't in here earlier y'all. Alexys is leaving to go stay with her family for a month.", Nick told us as he walked in.

"Yes !", Austin yelled. Nick looked at him with a frown. "I mean, nooooo we'll miss her.", Austin quickly said. I chuckled. Nick shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Can I talk to you alone Chasity ?", Nick asked me. I nodded and we walked out of the living room and went to their backyard.

We just stood there in silent. He scratched the back of his neck and chuckled. "You look good.", he said to me. "I know.", I say sternly. He sighed big. "Chasity, I wanna apologize about what happened at the party. I don't even know why I said what I said. I didn't mean it to hurt and so I'm hoping we can move past this and be the best friends that we are."

That was a good sincere apology. And Nick was too cute to just not forgive him. "I forgive you Nicholas.", I say. He smiled big and hugged me tightly. "Thank you Chasity, thank you.", he said. "You're welcome Nick.", I say as I was almost out of breath. "Chasity, you not hugging back.", he whined. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her neck.

He then picked me up and spun me around as I squealed. "Mm, I missed you so much girl.", he said as he placed me back on the ground. "I missed you too Nick.", I say as I kiss his cheek. For the rest of the time that me and Erica was there, we had a great time. We order Ubereats and I got Nick to try the Buttermilk crispy chicken tenders from McDonald's. He loved them.

Brandon taught me how to make beats, I sang Karaoke with Zion and Nick. Zion was really so cool. He welcome me and Erica with open arms, no pun intended. Austin and Erica went over their favorite anime movies. He showed me some movies and shows to watch and I promised him I'd watch them.

Me and Nick danced. We showed them how we use to dance in high school. We sat around and we told them stories of us in high school. It was so late. It was around 11:00 by the time we realized it. Of course Erica didn't want to leave Edwin. They weren't dating yet but they were already in love. The looks on their faces and how close they already was would show you.

I wasn't ready to leave either. I was having too much fun with these guys. Now I was about to go back home to a empty house, no offense to Erica. We had to leave. Erica is staying the night with Edwin. Nick walked me to the car. "I'm so glad we finally got to spend some time together.", he said as he swung my arms.

"Me too. I needed to get out the house.", I say. "You coming back tomorrow ?", he asked me. "Will it be ok for me to come back tomorrow ?", I ask him. "Of course ! The guys love y'all.", he said as he pulled me a little closer. "Well then, I'll be back tomorrow.", I say as I smile. "Ok.", Nick said as he licked his lips.

I was blushing but I knew better. "I better head home.", I say as I try to pull away. "I don't want you to go. Not yet.", he said softly. "It's getting late Nick.", I tell him. "Spend the night.", he said. I was shocked. "I can't.", I say. "Why not ? Erica is.", Nick said. "That's cause she wants to be with Edwin and they have a connection.", I tell him.

"What's wrong with spending the night with your best friend ?", he asked me. I thought about it. I want to but then again I don't because I know if I stay, something is going to go down and I don't want that. He's with Alexys and I don't know about me and Trevor right now. I know how Nick is. I'm not about to let him treat me like a side and I'm not going to treat him like he's my main.

But as long as we ain't doing nothing we ain't got no business doing we good, right ? "I'll stay.", I tell him. "Yes ! Come on, you can share my room with me.", he said as he dragged me back in the house. "You staying ?", Erica asked me. "I guess so.", I say with a smile. She smirked as she went back to talking to Edwin. Nick held onto my hand and led me upstairs to his room.

"What we finna do ?", I ask him. "We finna watch the sandlot.", he said. That was one of our favorite movies to watch growing up. We went in his room. All his shoes were on one side of the room, all organized neat. He had a bathroom. "I don't have any clothes but can I take a quick shower ?", I ask Nick.

"Of course ! I'll leave some of my clothes out for you.", he told me. "Ok, can I get a towel and rag ?", I asked. "There should be some clean ones already in there.", he said as he went through his drawers to find me something to wear. I went in the bathroom, undressed, and got in the shower. The shower was nice and refreshing.

I got out and wrapped myself up in a towel. I looked around for the clothes Nick picked out for me. I should've known he wasn't going to bring them in the bathroom. "Nick !", I yell. "Where are my clothes ?!"

"They're out here !", I heard him yell. I rolled my eyes. I ain't have time for this. I know better. I tightened the towel and walked out the bathroom. "I meant to bring them to you but—", Nick spoke. "Shut up. No you didn't.", I say as I snatch the clothes and go back to the bathroom.

I heard him laugh. I knew he did it on purpose. I dropped my towel and got dressed. I wore a plain white T-shirt and some gym shorts. After that, I folded my towel and rag and placed them somewhere I could find them so I could use it again later. I walked out and sat next to Nick on his bed. He was shirtless and it caught me off guard. "You ready ?", he asked me. "Yes. Play the movie.", I say as I get up under the cover.

Nick started the movie and then laid in front of me. He wasn't under the covers with me. He laid his head on the pillow we shared and I played in his hair. "I use to have a big ass crush on Benny.", I say. "You and every other girl who's seen the movie.", he chuckled. I felt myself drifting off to sleep. Nick notice because I had stopped playing in his hair.

He got up under the covers and faced towards me. "Falling asleep on me ?", he asked me in a whisper. He gave me a small smile. "I'm sorry Nick.", I say. "It's ok. We can go to sleep together.", he said. He scooted a little closer to me. "You all in my space Nick.", I laughed. "When have I ever given you space ?", he asked. We began to laugh.

"Chasity, you know I'll do anything for you, right ?", Nick said. "Yeah.", I said. "I want you to know that I got you. Forever. You my homegirl. My best friend. And I love you.", he said as he placed his hands on my waist. "I love you too Nick.", I say softly. He kissed my forehead and I laid my head on his chest. And just like that, we both drifted off to sleep.

A/n ~ Sorry for a late update. I'm in Texas rn and so much is going on with my family and it's kinda distracting me from writing. But hopefully I'll update another chapter for y'all today ❤️

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