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Hello everypne heres the prologue for this story i hope you all enjoy ______________________________________
It was a nice sunny day a family of four had gone camping far from their home and deep in the woods a large tent was set up to hold the family
The sun had just barley rose from horizon inside the tent the mother father slept heavily while the oldest of their two son woke the younger one up
???(whisper):y/n,y/n,y/n wake up
Y/n:huh what is it issei?
(Remember your five and hes six
Issei: come follow me
He then leaves the tent leaving y/n rubbing his eye while he wakes up he put his shoes on  while still being in his pajamas
Issei:come on y/n
Issei then runs off into the woods with y/n runing off after him in a random direction y/n chase him they ran and ran until issei stop over looking a deep creves with a river runing through it
Y/n:whoa is this what you wanted to show me?
Issei:close but its what in it
y/n carfully step closer looking to the creves he saw nothing that stuck out to him only for him to feel a hard shove on his as he fell forward he quickly grab onto the leged a trying to pull himself up only to slid off a little more
he only chuckled
Y/n then gain a terrifed look as he realized issei isnt going to help him
he slides a bit more issei grabs on of his hands as he dangles of the edged
Issei:now i can be step closer to my dream with you gone all the girls will be more focus on me then you no one would ever qustion me about your disappearance they onto me the older brother of a sick little kid who has lost his little brother
He smiles as he drops y/n he plumpts to the river  he didnt even hve time to scream. Their was a sickening crunch  heard the river wasnt deep but rather shallow y/n watch has his short life flash before his eyes as he bleeds slowy dying unable to move as he watchs the river takes his blood away issei stands at the top watching his little brother die before him a smile on his face as he quickly head back to camp and climbing into the tent and back in his sleeping bag
Back were y/n body lays a spirt watch unable to prevet the younger ones death went to the childs body
???:im sorry that this has happened to you
He said to the dead child he knew soon enough predators would soon smell the childs body the stranger put their hand on the childs head
???:y/n thats your name
He gently pick up the childs body as a blue portal with lightning open behind him and walks through it
Soon the parents wake and see only issei but not y/n
Mom:honey?where's y/n?
Dad:i dont know?his shoes are gone but issei here were could he be?
Unknown to them that the small child would come back not soon but years later completely changed by what hes been through.
Back with stranger the child was starting to wake up but how?the stanger had reverse time on their body reversing the damged done to them he wouldn't be able to do this in the world he got the child but the world he arrived in when he got here
Y/n:w-what how a-am i a-alive
???:that would because of me
Y/n saw the stranger standing their but he look like a machine then human
Y/n:w-who are you?
???:im leon. Leon wolf. And right now you were just revived
Y/n: c-can i go back to my parents?
Leon:im sorry to say but this plane the one were in time works differnt here then anywhere else it maybe a hour here but its been a week on earth
Y/n:then were are we?
Leon:my own personal pocket demsesion one i used to  to get away from things  or just wait a certian amout of time
Y/n:how is that...
Leon:possible? I dont know for honest but i can help you get back home
Y/n:wait issei
Leon:im guessing your brother the one that push you?
Y/n start to cry  being betrayed by his own brother once again
He crouchs down
Infront of y/n taking his helmet off
Leon:i can bring you back to your family they wont be able to see  but you and only you can
Y/n:i dont want to go back
Leon:whys that?
Y/n:he'll try doing it again he'll try ro kill me again
Leon: hmmm
Y/n watchs as leon looks away while he looks like hes thinking
Leon:how about i train you
Y/n:train me?
He steps back
And he begins to talk
Leon: im gonna trian you
He then does a two punch combo followed by a heavy side kick away from y/n shoing  him moves
Leon: some military tpye combat
He then swings his arms in a fast motion before bring one hand down hard
Leon:teach moves this world doesn't even know about you'll learn everything i know
Y/n look star struck before the person in front of him
Leon:what do you say
He reachs his hand out
he takes leons hand as help him up
Leon:well lets find you a place to stay for now while i train you
leon lifts him up and puts him on his shoulders as they walk out through a portal

you betrayed me for the last time(male reader x highschool dxd girls)Where stories live. Discover now