1. You're Just Unlucky

Start from the beginning

"Okay, well at least I'm down now I guess," you muttered joking, wishing you could've got down from that stupid ride another way.

"Hey, are you okay?"

You looked up to see two guys and large white bear staring down at you with concern. You noticed their matching white outfits and their own hats sitting on their head. The polar bear had on an orange outfit resembling the other white ones.

"Uh, I've been better. Not gonna lie," you laughed despite your situation. "Mind giving me a hand or two?"

"We know someone who could help you if you want," one of the two offered. His hat read 'Penguin' on the front and you couldn't decide if you thought it was cute or just weird.

"Hey! Don't just offer to bring strangers to him," the other hissed, elbowing the guy. "I mean, I know she's cute but-"

You coughed loudly, noting that he wasn't actually very quiet.

He looked down at you quickly. "Just give us a minute."

You rolled your eyes. "Oh please, take all the time you need. Don't let me stop you."

"Penguin, we can't bring her to him! She'll want to either try and kill him or run away in fear. I don't want us to leave off on a bad note either," the guy explained, staring down the other from under the flap of his hat.

"Hey guys, are you almost done? Because I'm just wondering if I should be calling out to other people to help if you aren't," you asked, turning their attention back to you.

"We can't just leave her," Penguin sighed. "We'll have to get him to help her."

The other shrugged. "Alright, but if I have to, I'm throwing the blame on you."

"Captain's not going to like this," the bear mumbled.

"I know that!" Penguin argued. "But we can't just leave her."

"Guys?" You reminded, trying to push aside the fact that the bear talked.

"Bepo you carry her. It'll be easier for us," the not-so-empathetic one pointed to the bear.

Bepo nodded, leaning down to pick you up as gently as possible, still earning a hiss of pain from you at the unwanted movement.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled to you.

You smiled. "It's okay, it wasn't that painful. You're soft so I'm good at the moment."

He nodded, standing back up above the other two.

"Alright, let's head back quickly," Penguin said.


You were sleeping peacefully, as much as you could be in your condition, until you heard hushed whispers at the foot of your bed.

"Shachi, we shouldn't be in here."

"Don't worry about it. We have to wake her up and introduce her to him now that he's here and we're a long ways away from there."

"Yeah okay, so go wake her up."

"No way, that's why I dragged you here with me! You wake her!"

You groaned, forcing yourself to open your eyes for the two to see. "I'm up guys, you aren't exactly as quiet as you think you are."

Penguin flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry."

"Well you were going to wake me up anyway, no big deal," you mumbled, slowly moving yourself up into a sitting position.

"She's got a point," the other, Shachi, noted.

You rolled your eyes. "So why did you guys want to wake me up again?"

"Oh yeah, our friend is here to help you!" Shachi grinned. "I mean, if he decides to. But I guarantee, no one can fix you up better then this guy."

You smiled. "Alright then, hopefully he'll want to then."

Penguin nodded. "He doesn't actually know you're here yet, so just stay quiet until we bring him in, alright?"

You nodded, pretending your mouth was a zipper and zipping it shut.

Shachi laughed, nudging Penguin. "I like her."

He rolled his eyes, grabbing his friends arm. "Yeah I know, come on let's go get him. And one other thing."

"Yeah?" You replied.

"Just don't freak out."

With that, you watched as they both left your room, quietly shutting the door behind them.

You couldn't help but smile. They were pretty fun guys, you hoped that you could get to know them more and maybe even become friends. You didn't really have many real friends on Sabody. You couldn't help but wonder why they warned you not to freak out though.

Looking around for the first time in your room, you noticed how there was a constant theme. White walls with simple little black accessories scattered around the room. Pretty simple, but nice. You liked it.

Staying silent, you heard voices talking outside your door. Already knowing what was going on, you waited patiently for them to come in.

You watched as your door slowly opened, just enough for Shachi and Penguin to slip in.

"Is he here?" You asked.

They both had on worried expressions on as the door opened wider to reveal their friend. Someone whose presence caught you off guard so much that your jaw dropped. You couldn't really forget his face, the same cold dark eyes showed in his picture.

"Trafalgar Law?!" You cried in shock. "What the hell? What's going on you guys?" You asked, turning to look at the two guys standing rather quietly off to the side.

"It seems you got the wrong people to help you," he stated coldly, his eyes fixated on you.

"Well, I'm just unlucky like that," you muttered.

Within The Heart [Trafalgar Law x Reader] {One Piece}Where stories live. Discover now