Meeting The Family

Start from the beginning

"Sit together with who?"

The handsome man nods at Yoongi. "Your boyfriend?"

Jimin points to Yoongi indignantly. "You mean him?" The stranger nods and Jimin tries to set the record straight. "No. No. No. He's my assistant."

The man raises an eyebrow. "You're bringing your assistant all the way to Sagada?"

Yoongi smiles, happy that Jimin has to answer. "Oh, you can tell him the truth."

Jimin frowns. "Well, he's... indispensable." The stranger isn't buying it. "And married. His wife just lent him to me for the weekend, she likes to share, and Yoongi doesn't like to be tied down. Isn't that right, Yoongi? Aren't you my indispensable closeted gay lover?" Jimin shoots Yoongi a nasty look.

He has to go along. "That's me." Yoongi turns to close the overhead compartment. 

"You're awfully nice to bring him first class." The man states.

Jimin nods his head and agrees. It sucks to be Yoongi.

After the long eight hour bus journey, the passengers can finally see the natural beauty of North Philippines from out the window. Sagada is a small town known for it's rice terraces and hanging coffins. All the houses are small and colourful and the rest of the area is taken up by large mountains. 

Jimin and the handsome stranger chat like old friends while they walk off the coach. Yoongi follows behind with all the bags. As they all walk out of the station they see a big banner that reads 'Congratulations Yoongi and Jimin!!' with wedding bells and a graphic showing the journey from Seoul to Sagada. The banner is being held up by a group of 30 people with excited looks on their faces.

Yoongi's mum, Du is front and center. She's a sweet lady who cooked Yoongi a hot breakfast every morning until he left the house. 

Grandma Areum also waits. She's lived a long time and doesn't have a lot of time to screw around. 

When they see Yoongi, they scream. Jimin's face drops.

"There he is!! Where's Jimin?"

Yoongi blanches white. Jimin looks back with eyes that say 'What the hell is going on?'

The handsome man beside Jimin notices the banner and smiles. "That's sweet."

Yoongi goes over to the group and Jimin keeps walking. "What are you guys doing here? What's with the sign?"

"So you're 'just dating', huh? I can't believe you didn't tell us!" His mum chastises. 

"Didn't tell you what?"

This time Grandma Areum speaks up. "We're not saying anything until you let us meet Jimin. Now, where's our boy?"

Yoongi looks around. Jimin keeps his head down and tries his best to avoid eye contact. "Uh. Jimin? You need to come over here. Like now. Honey."

The handsome man sees Yoongi with the banner people, calling for Jimin to come over. Jimin winces knowing the man had connected the dots and that Jimin had lied to him. "I have to go now."

The man frowns. "What kind of sick shit is this?"

Jimin nods. This would be a tough one to explain. "Have a great life." He walks toward the group and Yoongi puts out his hand and silently pleads for Jimin to hold it. At the last second, Jimin takes it.

"Everyone, this is Jimin."

Areum smiles. "It's nice to meet you. Now, do you prefer being called Jimin, or the Dragon Lord? We've heard it both ways."

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