Chapter 2- Black Jack

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POV: Brooklyn

" 'Eres ya bunk." Jack says, placing some neatly folded clothes on my pillow.

"Change into these and what ya got on now can be ya night clothes." 

I thank him and he nods leaving me alone in the large room.

I sit on my bottom bunk bed and hold up the clothes Jack left for me. Some black work pants, blue suspenders, a fitted white button up long sleeve, a navy blue vest and my very own newsie cap. 

I smile slightly at the new person I am about to become. No one knows me here, I can completely reinvent myself and start over. 

The door creaks open and I jump hitting my head on the bed above me.

"Dat looked like it hurt." a voice says. 

I rub the top of my head and turn to see Race strutting into the room.

"I'm okay." I say slowly. 

I take the new clothes off my lap and place them on the side of my new bunk. I haven't slept in a real bed in so long.

"What are ya smilin' bout'?" Race asks taking a seat on the bottom bed next to mine.

I feel my cheeks get hot. I push a stray piece of hair behind my ear. 

"I am just kinda happy... I haven't really had people to talk to in a long time." I look down at my bed and continue, "I haven't even had a place to go... let alone a bed to sleep in."

Race's curious expression turns sympathetic. 

"Do ya wanna talk about it?" he asks quietly.

"Not yet."

I want to make friends first. Then I will slowly let some people in.

"So Race, what's fun around here?" I ask quickly changing the subject.

A smile forms on Race's face. 

"I could teach ya to play black jack? We can start slow with the card games. Don't worry bout' it."  

He pulls a deck out of his pocket and lights a cigarette.

"All yous wanna do is get as close to 21 as possible. Don't go over it- that's how ya lose." Race starts. 

He flips the first card. 6 of spades.

"Hit me." I continue. 

Race flips a red Ace of hearts.

"This special. Yous can make it a 1 or an 11. Whatta ya pickin'?" he asks, arching his eyebrow slightly.


"Give me an 11." I smile and answer.

Race takes a deep breath out loud. "That's a bold move... ya wanna turn over another card or are yous stayin' at 17." he asks.

"Hit me." I reply. 

I keep my eyes focused on the two corners of his mouth. His smile is the bestest thing I've ever seen. 

Race turns over 8 of clubs. His smile grows wider.

"Ah ya jumped da gun! My turn!" he shouts. 

He turns over the first card. 10 of spades. He flips his second card. Ace of spades.

"See watch this now... I got a 10 and I'm gonna use dis as a 1. Ya know... play it safe." he narrates. 

He flipped over 9 of diamonds.

"Ha! Total for me 20! Total for you... 25! I win!" he gloats.

He shoots me a big smile and collects the cards. He stands up from the bed and puts out his cigarette on a dish on the bedside table. 

Race sits down next to me on my bed. My cheeks started to burn red.

"Now heres da secret." Race starts in a quieter voice. 

He is inches away from my face and is staring deep into my eyes. I keep his gaze hoping he won't notice how nervous he made me become. Butterflies start in my stomach again.

"In a game like blackjack, yous wanna play it safe," Race continues. 

I nod slightly. My eyes still locked with his.

"When ya number gets past 10...well..." his voice trails off. 

He leans closer to my face. I move my eyes from his gaze and glance at his lips.

I look back into his eyes and ask quietly, "Well?"

Race smiles again tucking a stray hair of mine behind my ear.

"Well, Yous gots ta play it safe... for beginners I mean. But me, I don't like to play it safe..."

He tilts his head and slowly leans in. I close my eyes and my stomach drops. 

Oh my gosh. Race is gonna kiss me.

"And what do we have goin' on in here!" Jack yells with a bunch of Newsies at his heels.

Me and Race break away fast. Race jumps off the bed abruptly, startled by Jack's voice. I quickly look down at the floor.

"Oh... I was just... a....ya know..." Race starts fumbling over his words.

It's cute. He was so confident a minute ago and now he's a speaking fluent word jumble.

"Race was teaching me how to play blackjack!" I speak up. "He uh... taught me his secret."

Race snaps his fingers and looked from me back to Jack. 

"Dat's right. And yous will neva guess what. I still beat 'er!" he chuckles.

A few of the Newsies playfully punch him and laugh.

"Well, at least ya off to a good start. Takin' lessons from da best!" Skittery adds.

I nod and smile to myself. Yeah... he really does seem like the best. 

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