Chapter 6- Madness

Start from the beginning

"I never wanted the throne. I only wanted to be your equal." Loki said angrily. "Now fight me!"

I in turn blasted him again with my staff. We both landed on the ground and Thor turned to our brother.

"We will not fight you brother." He said.

"I am not your brother, I never was." Loki hissed.

Loki lunged at me again, and I dodged his attack and looked at Thor, then back at Loki.

"What are you talking about?!" I asked.

"You wouldn't understand Destiny." Loki said.

"Loki, this is madness!" Thor exclaimed.

"Is it?" Loki asked. "IS IT?!"

He fired at both of us. Thor managed to dodge unlike me; I was a second too slow and I went flying against the wall.

"Loki, stop this!" I exclaimed.

I slowly got up on my feet.

"That weapon doesn't even belong to you!" I shouted.

Loki ignored me, turned to Thor.

"What happened on Earth that made you so soft? Don't tell me it was that woman." He said.

Thor didn't answer. We knew he was right and Loki laughed.

"It was. Perhaps when we're all finished here, I'll pay her a little visit." He said.

While Thor and Loki continued to fight, I tried to seize the opportunity to break the ice and close the Bifrost, though Loki was very quick to notice and after I chipped away some of the ice, he turned his attention to me, now fighting me instead of Thor. Loki managed to knock my staff out of my hand and blasted me across the observatory, before turning back to Thor and blasting him, sending Mjolnir into the Bifrost. Thor hastily tried to call it back but the pull off the Bifrost was too strong and the hammer didn't come back, and Thor began to slide towards the vortex as well.

"THOR!!" I shouted.

Loki knocked me towards the Bifrost as well. I grabbed my staff and used it to stop myself from falling in and grabbed Thor's hand.

"If you guys care so much for the Jotuns, then die with them." Loki said.

Thor concentrated as hard as he could, and this time, Mjolnir came back to him, pulling both of us away from the Bifrost. Us two and Loki crashed out of the observatory, rolling across the rainbow bridge.

"Thor! Destiny! Help me!" We heard Loki shout.

We turned and saw Loki hanging off the edge of the bridge. Thor rushed over and reached out to our brother's hand, which quickly dematerialized. Before I could warn Thor, the real Loki came up and stabbed my brother in the chest.

"Thor! No!!" I shouted as Loki hurled him towards me.

Thor lifted himself to his knees I saw his chest bleeding badly. I got my power together to heal him.

"Behind you!" My brother exclaimed.

I turned around and saw Loki lunging towards me. I shot a beam at him but the illusion disappeared. Loki then appeared next to us, but when I swung at him, he disappeared again.

"Loki, enough with the illusions!" I shouted.

Thor stood up and the two of us fought Loki after Loki. But they were all illusions. Thor eventually fell back to his knees.

"No no no no no...." I muttered as I too got down to help him.

I put my hand against his chest and began to heal my brother's wound, when several clones of Loki circled us, holding their spears.

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