8. "It smells like jealousy"

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"So..." he trailed after a while, playing with his fingers. "Are you and Bradley serious? What about the date you were going to?" he said. He didn't even look at me.

I laughed at him, so hard. God, he was adorable.

"Do you smell that?" I asked him.

He sniffed a little then looked at me confused. "What?"

"I think it smells like jealousy" I teased him.

He laughed. "Oh come on! I'm not jealous!" he exclaimed, not being able to keep the smile off his face.

"I think you are" I nadged him on the shoulder with mine. His eyes fell to my lips so he could read them and I shivered.

"Besides, why would I be? We're just friends, aren't we?" He whispered, his eyes stuck on my mouth. 

I took a deep breath finding an excuse to examine his face. I looked at his beautiful green eyes, his perfect nose, his cheeks bones, his ears and my eyes landed on his perfectly plump lips.

I leaned even more, his lemon-ish smell making me dizzy. My forehead touched his.

"Yeah" I whispered. "We are" 

And then my lips slightly touched his. Softly, tenderly. Like I was afraid he would break if I pressed harder. 

Not even two seconds passed, when he jumped away from me clearing his throat. 

I was still in daze from the kiss and more importantly confused.

He didn't like me. And I had just made a fool of myself.

Gulping hard I took a piece of paper left in my jeans back pocket from another time we've exchanged notes and wrote something down. 

"I like you"

Then I folded the paper, left it on Hero's lap, took the headphone off and left.

God, what did I do to deserve this? There's one descent guy that I actually really like and he completely friendzones me. 


I started feeling my eyes getting watery. This hurt. A lot. I hugged myself and let out a sob as I continued walking to my house when I heard a voice from behind me.

"What do you want me to say to that, Jo? I don't even know you!" Hero yelled surprising me. 

He never yelled. Always whispered afraid of how his voice was going to sound like. 

I quickly wiped my tears so he wouldn't see me and slowly turned around to face him. He looked weak. His lips were pressed together and he looked like he wanted to cry as well.

"You don't even know me" he yelled. "How can you like me?" he held the note in the air like it was some criminal evidence.

"I know enough" I told him firmly, my lips trembling.

"No. No you don't. What's my favourite color, huh?"

"The color the ocean has right before the sun sets" I answered. He seemed dumbfounded that actually knew that.

"What's your favourite color? I have no fucking clue" he said.

I looked at his eyes. "Light green" I answered without second thought. "Now we know each other's favourite colors. Can we move to the most important part?"

He shook his head. "We don't know enough stuff about each other"

"What else do you want me to know, Hero? I know you love the ocean and your best wish is to hear the sound of the waves. But I know sometimes you love the fact that you don't hear the world and you can shut everything around you. I know that sometimes you try to be touch but on the inside you are just a guy who loves reading cheesy romance novels. I know you listen to music, even though you can't, just so you can understand how it feels to be able to get lost in sounds, even though you've never heard them" he gulped when I reached for him grabbing his cheeks so he can look straight at me.

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