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Hello, I am the writer of this bad bad thing. This is a AU, and I swear I was just messing around here, I know Walter is a horrible character, and I respect that. I'm just messing around, I started writing this during a power outage, and since I can't go outside I kept on writing this. Also this is my vary first time ever writing anything NSFW. The main thing I'm writing right now is a Unico and My little pony fan fiction lol. Anyway I hope you like this messed up story, I don't know why I named this coats. I needed a name.


I'm not sure what was something horribly off about that morning. Maybe it was the sky and how it was a cold lifeless gray, or maybe it was the air and and stale it was. Or maybe it was just the way I was feeling today. There was a certain dread in my heart that he couldn't shake for the life of me, and maybe it would really come to that.

But he didn't have time to think about that, today I had to unpack the few beloved items I have on me from my old home, and the one before that and the one before that and so on. Really it had been so long since I had felt like he had a real home anyway.

I've had just moved once again and Im not too pleased with the new apartment, it wasn't really much to me honestly. But it was a place to stay and live and that's what mattered at the end of the day. I had a bed, fridge and a bathroom and that's what matters. Plus a few extra things that would help get me through the day. Really through it didn't take me vary long to put up he's belongings and before long he was all set up there, just a day after moving in. Huh, New record.

The only thing I'm wasn't sure what to do with my camera. It was the best thing I owned at the time, and probably ever will own. Honestly I'm not sure weather I'll ever do freelance photography ever again, it's not that I don't want to its just... Well I don't have the stuff or the time really to pull it off anymore. It just isn't the time right now. But that doesn't mean I go take pictures any more, no no in fact I'll take some tomorrow, if I get the chance. I know little about this town anyway, wouldn't hurt to have a look around the scenery and the people. Not that it was vary pretty just...

Actually, what's the wait? I'm hungry enough, and I have the money. Yeah that's what I'll do, through this probably is a mistake though...

Without thinking on the matter anymore I sit up off the couch and slowly I grab bottom up shirt to pull over my more casual one and grab my camera, making for sure that there's a card inside and head out of the apartment, locking the door behind me.

The walk out hadn't been to bad through I was a little confused the father I got. For the most part I was just wondering around on my own, looking for somewhere to eat. I toke a few pictures of the landscape around me but the city was rather drave. The people didn't seem to awfully interesting but I suppose I couldn't judge on that front. Through they didn't seem rude like some other places I've been so that was a upgrade in that front. In all fairness I wasn't exactly the most interesting looking guy in the world anyway. The people around me seemed awfully busy for people on a Tuesday, but what can you do.

After looking around for a while and taking a few more pictures I had finally found a basic fast food restaurant that didn't sound to bad to me. So letting the camera hang around my neck in front of my chest (which probably wasn't too good for my neck given how heavy it was.) I went inside and signed quickly when I saw that there was a fairly long line to order. Should have thought about it being lunch hour but of course I wouldn't. Still biting my tongue I got in line against my better judgement. Really everything was going horribly slow today , and the gray color over everything wasn't helping. I should have moved in during summer then maybe I would have got a better first impression of this town but hopefully I'll last long enough here to make it to next summer. It was early fall right now so maybe there where a few good warm days left still. It seemed like no one brought their families there which was odd given this was a family themed restaurant but it wasn't any of my business. Something in the corner of my eye caught my attention but before I could make out what it was the lady at the front of the waved her hand at me. "Your up next sir." She said at me, making my face flush and my hands fly into my pockets. "Oh... sorry." I said as I walked to the vary front of the line and started ordering. It wasn't like I ordered anything fancy really, just a burger and fries, as I was waiting for my order to be finished I started looking for a table when once again something caught my eye. In the back of the restaurant sitting next to one of the big family sized tables alone was this man. A vary strange looking man. And two things where checking my eyes, one was he's purple blueish jacket which was oddly off putting in this kind of investment. And two was the fact that he was looking right at me and gesturing me to come over to him. It was hard to tell was my face looked like given how surprised I felt, but it probably wasn't anything too warm at the time. So he put he's hand down, but he didn't stop looking at me. So I basically had to force myself to look away from him as kids turned around as the lady at the front was talking to me once again. I gave her my money and grabbed my little tray of food and started walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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Coats, (Henry x Walter) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now