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Punch my face, do it 'cause I like the pain
Every time you curse my name
I know you want the satisfaction, it's not gonna happen
Knock me out, kick me when I'm on the ground
It's only gonna let you down
Come the lightning and the thunder
You're the one who'll suffer, suffer

Harry's POV

I saw him sitting there on the park bench.

"Thanks for meeting me," I said.

He looked at me with teary, angry eyes.

"I get why you do it now"

"Say what you want to say, but push the line and I'll hurt you!"

"You can punch my face, do it cause you hate the pain. Every time you curse my name, I know you'll want the satisfaction so that's what'll happen"


"You can knock me out. You can kick me when I'm on the ground, I swear that'll never let you down. Come the lightning and the thunder, I'll be the one to suffer. Let me be you're punching bag, to get rid of your anger"

"I have another way to do it," he said, grabbing the collar of my shirt and smashing his lips into mine.

The Boy In The Bubble *MINISHAW*Where stories live. Discover now