Love 'N' Stuff [Original Slash] {03}

Start from the beginning

'Yeah,' he muttered, and we both stood up at the same time to grab a bottle each back out of the freezer, along with two glasses and a bottle of Coke for mixer. When Matt and Benny got home fifteen minutes later, we were both sitting there in silence, slowly getting hammered.


'Seriously?' I asked Freddie quietly, sitting down beside him and taking my shoulder bag off over my head to set it down by the side of the couch. 'Already?'

'He's driven it to it,' Freddie muttered, glaring at Jack, who was talking with Benny. 'There's a bottle in the freezer for you,' he added, tearing his gaze away from his nemesis and looking at me as he nodded towards the kitchen.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. 'Really?' I asked, grinning and reaching for my bag. It was only a fifteen minute walk away but it was still easier to not have to bother going to the off licence. 'How much?'

Freddie waved me off. 'Don't worry about it,' he said, taking another drink. 'Just get a glass and get started so I don't feel like such a loser.'

I made a face but obliged him, grabbing a bottle from the freezer for Benny as well while I was at it.

'You know Benny's only seventeen?' Freddie asked as I rejoined him on the couch.

I shrugged. 'Yeah. He's got his brother's ID though.' I glanced at Freddie, who was looking at Jack, and read his mind. 'You can't even say anything,' I laughed, elbowing him. 'You slept with that fifteen year old!'

'Shh!' Freddie hissed, shooting me a warning look. 'And I didn't know he was fifteen. He was bigger than either of us.'

'And he had a beard.'

Freddie groaned. 'Don't remind me.'

I laughed again, taking a big gulp of my drink, which was more vodka than Coke, and leaned against my best friend as we sat back on the couch. Freddie put his arm around me and rested him head on top of mine. I guess we don't really do a lot to convince people we're not secretly in love, but that's just the kind of friends we are.

'Let's play a game,' Benny announced suddenly, and I glanced up to see him looking at Freddie and I, a weird expression on his face.

'Like a drinking game?' Freddie asked.

'Yeah, we could play Kings.'

'Shouldn't we have more people for that?' Jack asked, unconvinced.

'Nah,' Benny replied, grabbing a packet of playing cards from the top of the fridge. 'Once we get tipsy it'll be fine. Who wants to go first?' he asked, placing the cards in the centre of the coffee table.

I reached out and picked a card up off the deck. 'Five,' I told them. I knew there were several different variations on the rules of the game, but unless I was mistaken, a five meant-

'I Never,' all three of them declared lazily, indicating I would have to tell them something I had never done and, if they had done it, they would have to drink.

'I've never... played Kings before,' I finished lamely. Even Freddie gave me a look as the other three all sipped from their glasses.

'Your go Freddie,' Benny said, clearly taking charge of the game.

Freddie picked up a card and turned it over. 'Queen.'

'Question Time,' Benny muttered, looking quickly away from Freddie, obviously not wanting to be asked anything.

I bit my lip, hoping Freddie wasn't gonna use this to torture Jack some more; luckily, he seemed to be feeling magnanimous and instead picked on Benny, who was staring pointedly at the wall, as if a teacher was asking questions about homework he'd neglected to do.

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