All good things must come to an end

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No heroes,villains, one to blame
While wilted rose fill the stage
And the thrill, the thrill is gone
Our debut was a masterpiece
But in the end for you and me
Oh, the show, it can't go on

December was the month that many people had feelings about. The latter days contained Christmas and New Year's Eve so many people looked forward to those.

Either the final month of the year was a beam of hope for the start of something better or  the end
of something good.

Jordan was sombre as she made her way into a taxi. It was preordered so she didn't have to tell the driver where she wanted to go.

She met her family just outside the centre. The clock read six hours until the execution.
Mal wrapped her arms around Jordan silently.
When the embrace ended, Jordan looked to Tierna who mumbled "Happy Birthday" in a failed attempt of humour.

It was true that Jordan was celebrating 22 years on this earth. It was the second last day of the year and the last day her father would be alive.

A  twisted concept with an even darker twist.

Suddenly she saw Patrick McGuinney, her father's lawyer, emerge from the building. He didn't seem too down.
"We might have good news,"
"It might not be over,"
"Your dad could still survive."
Jordan sighed. "Thank you for your efforts but it's no use. I'm sure my dad just wants to meet his fate now."

Suddenly, an officer walked out onto the building and stood on a podium.
"Attention," he boomed
"We can confirm that the New York County Supreme Court is looking at reversing the decision to execute defendant, Alejandro Sanz.
A decision will be announced shortly."

Gasps could be heard from all around as the officer turned around and left.
Jordan looked around and it only just hit her that other people were here...the families of the victims.

Some were on the phone, others were crying and there were those who delivered stares and glares to Jordan.
The pointed fingers and whispers towards her USWNT teammates were only making her more embarrassed and she was sure her friends were getting very uncomfortable.

A guy came up to her. "Hello," he seemed a bit uncomfortable "I'm uh James Fritzer."
Jordan felt like she should know him.
"Pleased to meet you." She awkwardly shook his hand.

"I know you're wondering..." James adjusted his collar "why I'm speaking to you."
He looked to his family, a middle aged woman with ginger hair weeping into the arms of an older man with grey hair. Standing near them was a brunette girl, who made Jordan feel guilty as she realised that the child looked about Britt's age.

"I was born to a man named Buck Marcuson and Margretta Tellburg. I never knew my dad."
James took a deep breath. "He was an officer at this crime scene."
Jordan knew exactly where this was going.

"My dad arrived there at approximately 8:02pm. The call was critical, many fatalities reported yet no perpetrators could be located."

James looked to Jordan. "I guess my dad must've bumped into yours or something. All we know for sure is that he took two bullets to the chest, that were from the gun containing Alejandro Sanz's DNA."

Jordan nodded. "I am really sorry."

James shook his head. "That's not why I told you this. After I was born, my mum met another man." He gestured to the bloke with a grey head of hair. "Stephan Fritzer. She knew her husband would've wanted her to move on and be happy in life always. They had a child named Freda, my baby sister."
As if on cue, the teen bundled over and James took her under his arm. "She's my world. What I'm saying is that sometimes bad things have to happen for good to emerge. All good things must come to an end."

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