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"Bye Fernando!" Jordan hugged her boyfriend goodbye,aware of the glares she was getting. Before he let go, Fernando whispered "Why are they all staring at me?" The duo briefly turned round to Jordan's unimpressed teammates. "I've got to go." She murmured back,embracing him one last time before she joined the rest of the USWNT.

Jordan made sure to not look at Mal. She knew that her best friend was still upset over her decision to reconcile with Fernando, but Jordan really didn't appreciate her telling the rest of the team about it,especially as she knew that Mallory wouldn't fill them with good news about him. "You OK?" Tierna asked Jordan as they were boarding the plane. Before she could even get the chance to reply, a voice from behind them boomed "HOW NOT?WE'RE GOING TO TOKYO BABY!". "Fucking hell Kels." The youngest players on the team groaned as they tried to catch their normal heart rate back as they turned to see that the recently returned Alex had caught the whole thing on her phone.

Thankfully,for them, Tierna and Jordan didn't sit near Kelley on the plane. The latter sadly glanced to Mal who was laughing her head off at something Lindsey said. "Whats going on between you both?" Jordan turned around to see a concerned Christen. The baby of the team sighed. "I dunno.Maybe we're drifting apart?" Press shook her head. "I don't think so.Mallory's been really worried about you." Jordan frowned."Why? Because I'm with Fernando?"
Once again, the forward shook her head. "She was annoyed bout it but she's concerned about you. I've heard you've became more distant?" Jordan couldn't argue with that. So she put her head in her hands. "Jordan?" "Hmm?" She could hear a sigh. "Promise with me you'll talk it out?Like properly?" Jordan laughed. "Don't worry mama Press." Her mentor rolled her eyes, although her signature smile was on her face. "I need to look out for my two babies y'know?"

The flight was exhausting but there was no time to rest unfortunately. They had a game against the Netherlands in two days time. And they knew how badly the European finalists wanted revenge.

The two days went quickly and the next thing Jordan knew, she was on the pitch, waiting for Lieke Martens and Vivienne Miedema to kick the game off. Her family weren't going to be in attendance as Matteo and Brittney were still in summer school. Fernando however did promise to come in their place, and even though this made his girlfriend uncomfortable, she didn't protest. Much to Christen's fury , Jordan hadn't made any attempt to even speak to Mal, even walking out the room when the latter entered it. So now the 21-year-old had another person against her. Which isn't great for overall team moral which was so crucial in a tournament like this when this time out, the chemistry had been pratiacally destroyed.

"Why the fuck did she do that?" Becky angrily snapped. "You cannot just act like a sore loser!"
The whole team had been gathered in the conference room,where they heard Hope's comments about Sweden. Carli uttered under her breath "She wasn't exactly wrong though." The whisper was barley audible but had been picked up upon by Sauerbrunn. "Its not professional though!" The defender argued. "Its just fueling the stereotype that the uswnt always has an excuse for losing." "Becky's right you know." Alex joined in. Carli angrily turned around to face her. "Oh shut up." She snarled. "YOU've never liked her in the first place!" Before Jordan or Mal could hear anything else, they were both ushered out the room by Heather. "Everything's fine." HAO had assured them. "Everyone's just heated right now."

So the two youngest players on the recently disjointed team were by themselves in the hall. "Mal?" Jordan's voice was so quiet especially highlighted against all the yelling. Mal looked over "Yes?" Jordan was nervous to ask her question. "Will you always stand by me?And not get too mad at me?" Her best friend grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Jordan," She said and in perfect timing, the other room had silenced . "That's a promise."

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