The big three

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After everyone left, Kacchan stayed behind. "Look deku, I...know what you did up there. I remember the shock wave types from our dream, so when I felt them and saw them, I knew what you had done. What did that girl do, what emotion makes your quirk strongest." I thought about it for a minute. "Anger, I was extremely angry in the dream and then I got extremely angry at the dorm. I think the more intense my emotions are, the less I can control it. When the shock waves started, I had lost control due to my emotions." I looked up at Kacchan, his eyes were soft and caring. "Well, now that I know what to prevent. I'll just make sure you don't get angry." He gave me a wink and I blushed slightly. He walked out of the door and I laid back down. I stared at the ceiling, 'I thought I had this under control, guess not. I could have died' I let out a sigh and shut my eyes. I didn't know what time it was but I didn't really care, I was exhausted. I closed my eyes and I drifted away to sleep.
I put on my shirt and my shorts that Kacchan brought me and I stared at myself in the mirror for a second. Scars coverd my legs and arms, along with all over my chest and stomach. It did make me look badass but I started to feel slightly self conscious, I didn't want a bunch of people staring at my scars and asking me where I got them, maybe after I've become a pro, but not now. I walked out of the bathroom and went back to my room to collect my things, I wasn't the best at walking right now so I frequently tripped or stumbled. When I got back to my room I opened the door and went in. Kacchan was waiting for me already and when he saw all the scars he looked worried. I grabbed my things and put them into the bag, the others had brought cards and other things so I just stuffed them into my bag to open and go through later. I walked over to Kacchan and stood there as the nurse explained a few things "She can't do the normal training exercises, she can't use her quirk until 2 weeks from now. You sir will help take care of her in those 2 weeks and will basically follow her everywhere except to the bathroom. Be careful about her emotions and don't make her stressed out. You will protect her, so don't make each other upset and have one of you run off. She will be slightly clumsy for about 2 more days and then she should be fine, but keep an eye on her. Her bones are still not fully healed so be carful. With that said, bring these papers up to the front desk and you're free to leave." She handed me 3 papers and I took them. We both walked out of the door and into the hallway. "You said it was just a few scars, not your entire fucking body" I sighed. I pated him on the back lightly and spoke, "chill, I'm fine now. Like I said, I have no plan to leave you anytime soon." This made him slightly happier but not much. "Just please be careful, I'm not going to risk you getting hurt like this again" I sighed and laughed slightly. "Ok then Kacchan. Have fun with that because when we become heros I'm gonna get injured, probably not as bad as this but injury is a big possibility." He laughed a little bit, then he pulled out his phone. "I was looking through hair cuts and I found one I like, in fact it matches your scars" I obviously looked confused because Kacchan just laughed and stuck out his phone. It was a picture of a pixie hair cut with the sides shaved, creating a mohawk kind of look. There was a long line shaved through the all ready shaved part as a design. "Hah, that really does match my scars. You have some good taste." I laughed as he blushed slightly and put away his phone. When we got to the lobby I handed the lady at the front desk the discharge papers and we left. As we walked down the street I saw lots of people staring at me and whispering things to each other, I was almost used to it but still not quite, and these scars made it worse. I got closer to Kacchan and basically leaned on him while we walked back to the dorms. "So, don't think I forgot about the provisional licence exam. What happened when I got up to go get us the food?" He sighed deeply. "When you got up, Icy Hot said that he liked you. He said he was gonna win your heart, which made me pissed off." I smiled and laughed. "I'll talk to him about it." Kacchan sighed again, and patted my head. When we got back to the dorms I saw everyone standing outside waiting for us, even All might. "Hey guys" I yelled, they all looked worried and their eyes scanned me, I wasn't a big fan of it. "Hey Midoriya" everyone shouted at the same time almost, I smiled. "Midoriya, bakugou, can I speak with both of you alone?" All might said, sounding slightly worried. We both nodded and everyone else went inside to start getting lunch. All might walked up to us, a pure face of worry painted across his face. "I heard about what happened but could one of you actually explain?" Me and Kacchan both looked at each other and then back to All might. "When I was in my dorm, one of the villains from the League of villains named Toga pretended to be me. She was in my room and she even tricked Kac.. Bakugou for a minute but we figured her out. She attacked me so I sent Bakugou to go get a teacher, because I was the one with the licence. She ended up triggering something inside of me, intense anger. I lost control of one for all and it got to a strength where it used my heart beats to attack. Because I lost control I couldn't deactivate it, the only reason I survived was because of my healing quirk piecing my bones back together." I finished speaking because that was all that I knew. All might liked like he just saw a ghost, his face was painted with horror. "Well I'm glad you're ok. Please be careful with this power. Now that I'm retired you need to be able to take over as the new symbol of peace. Bakugou, you will also be trained to be a symbol. After you recover, both of you will be trained harder so be prepared. In the meantime, please work on controlling your emotions and reflect on what triggers them, this is very important." We both nodded our heads in a yes motion. All might walked away and we walked inside the building. "So... What do you guys want for lunch, I could do anything I'm starving" everyone turns their heads and looks at me and starts smiling. "We should go to *insert restaurant name*!" Everyone nods their head in agreement. Everyone stood up and walked over to the door where me and Kacchan were already standing. We all exited the dorm area and walked over to *insert restaurant name* to eat. When we walked in the host seemed shocked to see us but pointed to a long table usually used for parties and we all walked over and sat down. I sat next to Kacchan on one side and Uraraka on the other side. Todorki sat across from me and occasionally scowled at Kacchan when he did something to show affection towards me and did something mildly cute. "So, you two are a thing huh" I heard Kaminari say while smirking. "Are you slow, duh we're a fucking couple" I heard Kacchan blurt out and everyone at the table laughed except for Todorki, who just looked sad. We orderd our food and all joked and laughed about things, it was nice to be hanging out as a group, even Mineta was being respectful and enjoyable. When our food arrived we all ate and talked more, I felt Todorki stare at me almost the whole time. After we all finished eating I offered to pay but was immediately told not to, I backed down  rather quickly for me. In the end Kacchan paid for the meal and we all left to head back to the dorms, I still leaned on Kacchan while walking because I was stumbling like a drunk person because I was tired and couldn't walk properly anyway. When we got back to the dorms we all took the elevator to our rooms until it was just me and Kacchan left. He helped me to my room and stood outside while I changed. "Ok Kacchan, you can come in now" I said and I heard the door creek open. I set an alarm for 12:30 to take my pill and I climbed into bed, Kacchan followed and laid right beside me. He wraped his arms around me and rested his head into my neck. Within a few minutes both me and Kacchan were sleeping.
<<3 weeks later>>
I finished taking out the last of the trash and sighed. The sun was setting, creating a beautiful reddish gold glow on the side of the building. "Pst" I looked around trying to find the source of the voice but saw nobody around. "Over here, in the wall" I was confused and looked over at the wall. I saw a face and almost passed out from shock. *insert their conversation here and a time skip brought to you by me sleep deprived at 3 in the morning*
"So you all will be doing hero work studdies. To help you make decisions about where to do yours at, I will let these three tell you about it." He points to the door and three students walk through. I recognize one of them as the guy I saw yesterday after I took out the trash. "These are the 'big three' the current most powerful students at this school. Please welcome, Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire." He points to each of them as he says their names, the guy from yesterday is named Mirio. "Mr.Aizawa can I take on the class, fight them I mean?" Everyone in the class releases a "huh?!" as we all snapped up our heads in surprise. 1 vs 20 seemed unfair, he must have a plan. "Sure, everyone get your gym uniforms on and go to the gym." Mirio seemed suspicious, who goes into a classroom of the strongest first years in history and asks for a 20 on 1 fight, i'll tell you who, a fucking phsyco or someone with a plan to win. I stood up and grabbed went to the locker room to change, our gym uniform was in our lockers. I changed quickly and waited in the gym for the others, while I did so I stretched. I thought of a small quick plan, his quirk has something to do with going through things based on yesterday. He also probaly knows how to fight well if he's going to take on all of us so I need to keep my distance and just fire off blasts at him, still he has seen my quirk and what it can do so I'll need to be careful and then what... I was cut off of my thoughts by getting smacked upside the head by Kacchan. "Oof, what the hell was that for." I whisper yell at him. "You were muttering again, only way I could get you to stop" I paused and sighed. "I really need to get my muttering under control." Our attention is directed to Mr.Aizawa as he speaks. "Ok, you can start now or whatever." I look back at Mirio who is standing there smirking. All of a sudden his clothes fall off and he disappears, did he go through the floor. I start to wonder and I see him pop out through the floor in front of Jiro and punch her in the stomach, nocking her down. I quickly fire off a blast at him but it flys right through him, just as I suspected. He falls through the floor again and takes out more students. Now it's just me, Kacchan and Todorki left still standing. Mirio looks to be coming towards me and kacchan so I shove both of us out of the way right before he hits us, punching the air instead. He goes through the floor and looks to be heading towards Todorki but then I hear a groan behind me along with an explosion, which catches me off guard and knocks me back a few feet. Kacchan got hit and has joined the rest of my class mates on the floor, now it's just me and Todorki. Todorki sends a sheet of ice to freeze him in place but he slips through the ice and appears in front of a startled Todorki and punches him. Now it's just me left still standing, I see him go through the floor and can hear him go behind me. I activate one for all and punch his hand out of the way before dodging and running out of the way. My hit surprises him and it actually hits, but he goes through the floor again. He appears in front of me and I go to hit him again, but I already know it's over. I pass right through him and he pokes my eyes right before punching me in the stomach. I land on the floor and groan out as I resist the urge to puke. He was strong and his quirk was great for fighting, he really did belong in the big three. I stand up and shake things off, but I'm the only one who did so. "Is the match continuing, this girl is the only one to take a hit and then stand up?". Mr.Aizawa sighs "Sure I guess, she is a tuff one" I sigh, this wasn't over until I was officially down and done. I see Mirio dive into the floor again and he pops up behind me. I kick his arm that was going to hit me and I use the kick to propel be away from him. He shakes off his arm and hand and I land gracefully on the floor. He runs at me this time and goes for my eyes again, I active my enhancement quirk. With my enhancement quirk it enhances everything I do, including my senses. I use my hearing to make a very bad map of where he is and I kick at where his back might me. I feel the kick hit but at the same time I get him in the stomach again. I activate all my quirks and heal myself to keep me from puking. I open my eyes again and flip backwards to avoid another punch. He reaches up and grabs my leg, I flick a small amount of power at him but it goes straight through him. I see his other arm go to punch me but I try to break out of his grip instead. I put up my other arm to block and use my other to punch his one holding me. He lets go and I kick off of his hand and land back onto the floor. He falls through the floor and appears behind me to fast for me to react. I get punched in the back and I use this chance to grab his arm and throw him into the ground. He simply falls through only to jump back out and punch me in the stomach again. 'This guy sure is tuff but not unbeatable.' I think to myself as I hit the ground with a thud. I attempt to stand up but I get slammed in the back, I decide it's better to not push too far so I lay on the ground instead of standing up. "You sure are tuff aren't you?" He asks me while helping me stand up. I laugh a little bit. "I still have a long way to go" I go around to the rest of my class and stand in between a large group of them. I focus and release a large wave of air from my finger, a wave of healing air. Using my healing quirk and one for all I am able to shoot out a wave of healing air to heal others without touching them, something I was working on during my training with All might and Kacchan, so up until know only they knew I could do this. I help my classmates stand up and we all go to the locker rooms as Mr.Aizawa says to return to class. I finish changing into my uniform and exit the locker room. I see the big three turing to leave, I wanted to ask for advice first though. "HEY, MIRIO WAS IT?" I shout at them while running towards them. They all stop and look at me, Mirio looks a little surprised. "I just wanted to know where you did your Hero study at and if you had advice for me." He shakes his head a little. "You just need to focus on your moves. You could read mine, but your moves were basic and really need some attention. Other than that you put up a really good fight, what's your name?" I laugh a little at the compliment. "Oh, I'm Izuku Midoriya. My hero name is Deku" He laughs a little and walks off with the rest of his group. I run back to my class, who are already half way out of the door. I catch up to the back of the class and we walk back to class.

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