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<<2 years later>>
I stood in the mirror contemplating my life choices. I had a graduation ceremony in 30 minutes and then a party in 3 hours. I laid out my outfit, a cute red dress with black tights and heels. I smiled as I remembered why I had this dress, it was the date with Kacchan 2 years ago, I'm surprised it still fits. I put on a white tank top and some black leggings and grabbed my graduation gown off the bed and put on my hat. 2 years ago I moved into these dorms, the school decided it was easier to keep us in the same dorms and classes for all three years, so I've gotten a special relationship with all of them. I slid on some black flats and walked out of the door and to the elevator. As part of the current big three in the school, I had a special golden pin on my gown that said 1. I smiled and held the door for the hot head who was walking towards me, his pin read 2. "Good evening Kacchan~" I said and he smirked. I pressed the lobby button and the doors shut to take us to our destination. "So, it's really been 3 years. I can't believe it, it felt like just yesterday I got my acceptance letter." I chuckled and smiled at Kacchan. We both had grown a lot from when we started, I was able to hold all my quirks at 100 percent for up to 20 minutes without even getting tired and Kacchan was able to fire explosions like from the dreams we had 2 years ago. All of this felt like a dream, me winning the sports festival all three years I was here, me being able to fully control all of my quirks and about to become pros, not to mention when Eri first smiled. It was at the school festival and we had just made a human disco ball and I looked down at Eri and she was smiling so big and wide, it brought tears to my eyes. The elevator stopped and the lovely couple, Kiri and Uraraka stepped inside. "Hey, you guys ready to finally become pros?" They both nodded excitedly. I chuckled and looked at Kacchan. "And what about you Kacchan, are you ready to become a pro?" "HELL YEAH! I WAS BORN READY!" He shouted and I heard the little pop rock explosions fire off his hands. I laughed and the elevator stopped again and Todorki got on, his badge saying 3. "Hey Todo!" He smiled and waved and went to the back of the elevator and pulled out his phone. "Are you calling Inasa~?" I asked and Todorki blushed. "W..well yeah, this is a big night for us both. I just wanted to call and say good luck to him." His blush was the only emotion on his face as he tried to cover it up. "Admit it! You two have been secretly dating, haven't you" I said with a giant grin as Todorki blushed heavier and turned red. "The great son of endeavor has a boyfriend, doesn't he" I smirked as Todorki nodded his head up and down slightly. "Called it, Kacchan you owe me $15 bucks" Kacchan rolled his eyes and Todoroki's eyes widened. "Wait, you placed a bet on this?!" I laughed. "Of course we did". The elevator stopped and we all walked out into the lobby and over to the exit. We exited the doors and walked over to the main campus and Mr.Aizawa directed us where to go. We entered a auditorium and went back behind the stage to the rest of our class, I stood close to Kacchan while we waited. I would have to tell him soon, he deserved to know. "H..hey Kacchan?" I looked up at him and he looked at me. "What is it nerd?" I looked down at my feet. "I.." I was cut off by Present Mic's voice over the loud speaker. "GOOD EVENING EVERYONE! HOPE YOU HAD A GREAT DAY, NOW LET ME INTRODUCE TO YOU THE NEXT WAVE OF HEROES TO GRADUATE!" I sighed, I'll just tell him at the party. "FIRST OFF, WE HAVE CLASS 3-A. STARTING OFF WITH THE BIG THREE OF THE SCHOOL WE HAVE, IZUKU MIDORYA!" He shouted and I walked out onto the stage, people erupted into cheers as I walked across the stage to stand in the front of the stage. "NEXT WE HAVE, KATSUKI BAKUGOU!" Kacchan walked out and again cheers erupted from the crowed. "AND THE FINAL MEMBER OF THE BIG THREE, SHOUTO TODOROKI!" Todorki walked out and joined our small trio standing at the front of the stage. We all bowed and stood up all the way, Present Mic called everyone else out and they stood behind us. All the teachers came out from the sides, all holding certificates and medals. One by one they each came to us and gave us our medal and our certified hero licence and certificate. I smiled as tears of joy poured down my cheeks as I looked across the crowd. We all exited and were directed to our costumes to pick up and brought back to the dorms. I ran up to mine and took a picture of my official pro hero licence and sent it to All might immediately. After her retired from being a pro, he resigned as a teacher after my first year.
All might: Good job! I'm so proud of you 👍
Me: Thanks All might, couldn't have done it without you. :)
All might: give yourself some credit, you worked hard for that.
Me: Thank you
I turned off my phone and got dressed into my dress for the party and placed my gown and cap on the bed. I still had 2 and a half hours until the party, so I decided to start taking down my posters and lights and packing things up. After about 2 hours, everything was bare and put away. I placed on my heels and walked out of the room, to the stairs, and down to the lobby. The party was being held in one of the smaller gyms and there would be candy, chocolate, punch, and music. I planned to spend the entire night with Kacchan before I would have to leave at noon tomorrow. I walked out of the dorms and over to the location of the party and helped set things up with Mina and Uraraka, who were both already ready like me. After 10 minutes everything was ready, so we sat down and talked. "So what are you guys gonna do after tonight?" Mina smiled. "Well I'm gonna start looking for a good agency to start at." I sighed and looked to the side. "What about you deku, what are you gonna do?" I looked up at the ceiling. "Well I got a request for a 2 year agency already. They pay really well and it's great, but.." Both of them stared at me. "But.. ?" They both said in unison. "It's all the way in America, and only a position for one person." They both gasped and Mina covered her mouth. "So Bakugou can't go with you, he's gonna be so heart broken. When do you leave?" I sighed. "Tomorrow at noon." They both gasped again. "Have you told him yet?" I looked at the floor. "Not yet, I'm gonna tell him when he shows up" they both nodded sorrowfully at me. More people started showing up, it was making me uncomfortable. I saw everyone, but Kacchan, which made me even more uncomfortable. "Hey guys, I'm gonna go get some fresh air." I ran off to the exit and exited the building. When I got out I sighed and looked up at the stars, it was late, so they shone through the sky like diamonds. "Hope I'm not tok late" I looked back and saw Kacchan walking towards me. "You look very pretty tonight Deku." He said as he wrapped his arms around me. "K..kacchan. Remember when you told me that you would always support me, no matter what?" He smiled and nodded, but I could see the look of worry in his eyes. "I got signed with an agency for 2 years. It pays well and is great but here's the part you're not gonna like." I stopped talking and looked down, fighting back tears. "It's in America, and they only had one opening. I...I'm sorry" I cried in his arms as he held me, a look a sorrow was wiped across his face. He patted my long hair comfortingly. "It's ok. When do you leave?" "T...tomorrow" I said, trying not to cry any more. He patted my head more and sighed. "I..it's ok Deku, we can still call and when you get back here, I will be the first person you see." I smiled slightly. "Thank you Kacchan. You're the best boyfriend a girl or boy could hope for." I kissed him on the lips and wiped off my tears. We both entered the party again and went straight to the food. "When you're in America, you better be safe or else." I smiled and grabbed a plate of 4 brownies and a mango soda. We both went to go sit down at the table and sat in the corner, away from the 18 other students all partying like there was no tomorrow. I ate my brownies and leaned onto Kacchan "I love you Katsuki Bakugou." "And I love you Izuku Midoriya" I felt Kacchan plant a kiss on the top of my head and I couldn't help but smile.
I threw on a All might hoodie and some black leggings. I placed my phone, earbuds and wallet in my purse and put it on. I grabbed my 2 suit cases and walked out the door and into the hallway. I walked to Kacchan's dorm and knocked on the door. He opened it, with a half asleep look on his face, despite it being 10 o'clock. I walked into his dorm, it was just as empty as mine. I sat on his bed and placed my suitcase containing my posters and room decorations on the bed as well. "Ok, so you'll watch over these while I'm gone?" He nodded and rubbed his eyes and let out a yawn. My other suitcase contained my hero costume and clothes for my trip. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, I felt a single tear roll down my cheek. "Thank you again Kacchan" he smiled and gave me a big hug. "No problem nerd, just be safe. I don't need you to get hurt while I can't kick that person's ass." I chuckled and we released from the hug. I whipped away my tear and smiled at him. "Don't worry Kacchan." He smiled at me and I stood up off the bed. I walked out the door and over to the elevator and pressed the lobby button. I also pulled my car keys out of my pocket and prepared to retrieve my car off the side of the road, and drive to the airport. I had already told the people that I would need a rental car and a small cheap apartment but the offered to let me have one of there cars, pick me up in a limo, and stay at there place as a thank you for joining us. Before I knew it, the elevator stopped and released me, I walked out and over to the exit. I exited the dorms and walked off campus to the street where my car was parked. I had also talked to the airport about my car, and they said they would put it somewhere special for when I arrived back home. I placed my suitcase in the backseat and hopped into the drivers side and started up the car. I place my seat belt on and before I knew it I was at the airport with my car parked away and my things in hand and ready to fly to America. I boarded the plane and went to my seat in first class, curiosity of the agency. I sat down and placed my things away and laid my head back. I fell asleep as we took off and before I had known it, we were about to land in America. We landed and I exited the plane and went to the parking lot, sure enough there was a limo parked in front already waiting for me. I walked over and got into the limo and placed my things beside me, everything was odd to me. The limo drove down the busy streets of New York City and took me to Inky and Nightmare's agency. *you'll find out more about them and their quirks later. Both quirks, I created and I'm super happy about sharing.* The limo stopped and I exited and walked up to the big glass doors. The doors swung open and I walked in, the lady on the phone said to go to the top floor, or floor 30. I walked to the elevator and presses the button 30, the doors shut and I shot up 30 floors to the 'big office' as it was called. The elevator stopped and I walked into a hallway with a single door at the end. I walked to the door and opened it, to see the two American heros Inky and Nightmare. The two sisters ran this agency together and it was brilliant. Inky's quirk is called Ink, she can create an ink like substance and use it to create whatever she pleases, due to her quirk however she lost her left hand. Nightmare's quirk is called nightmare, she can make people experience their biggest fears or she can feed off their fear and create tenticals off her back that are pretty much indestructible. Inky got her quirk from her parents, but Nightmare had a mutation quirk. They were both super cool, "good afternoon Deku" they both said, breaking me out of thought. "Oh, sorry. Good afternoon Inky, Nightmare" I smirked. "While you are staying here, your room will be on floor 29, room gb2. You have a wide arsenal of cars to chose from to rent and all you need to do for us is report here for missions, other than that you're on your own Deku." Nightmare smiled, definitely a lot nicer than you would think. "Thank you, it is a pleasure to be working with you." "They pleasure is ours, you are already amazing, we simply wish to help spread the word of the hero named Deku." "You should go check out your room." I nodded and left to go back to the elevator. I pressed the 29th button and the elevator stopped and released me. I stepped out into the Hallway and found my room, I opened the door using a special key code that would act as my key. The room was bigger than my house back in Japan, it was huge. I had a kitchen, a dinning room, a living room, a office, a bedroom and even a walk in closet. I went to the bed room and placed my clothes in the closet and hung my hero suit on the opposite side of the closet. I walked out of the room and into the kitchen area. The fridge was empty, as I had expected so I had to go grocery shopping soon. I felt my work phone buzz and a alert was across the screen from Inky. "Hero Deku, a Villain has been spotted in the city, we have concluded you are best fit for this but I will be coming with you because you are new. Suit up hero, your first mission begins." I ran back to the closet and slid on my costume and mask. I ran back to the elevator and went to floor 30, Inky was already waiting for me in the hallway. "Ok deku, have you ever flown before?" I nodded my head. "I can fly using my ink, and give you wings as well, good luck." I ran forward to Inky and she pointed at a small whole in the glass, just big enough for a person. I felt wings form on my back and I leapt out of the window and flew across the sky, just like I had done when I saved Eri. "Here, put this in your ear so that we can communicate." She handed me a small ear piece and I grabbed it and put it in my ear. She flew a head of me and dived down wards. "I can see 2 villains. Fly down there, I see people" I dove to the ground following Inky and landed. My wings disappeared and I activated all of my quirks at 50 percent. A building was on fire and I had to rescue the people, and fast. I dashed threw the doors with inhuman speed and brought people out one by one, all of them looking confused as I grabbed, healed and put them outside away from the fire. I finished saving the people and saw a helicopter in the air and news crews starting to arive, this was gonna be the day I introduced the hero known as Deku to the world. I saw part of a building about to collapse on a woman running from the villains. I dashed forward and caught the building, giving her time to run and escape. "D..don't worry about me. Run while you have the chance." I grunted and had to increase power to 75 percent. The woman got out of the building's path and I let it drop and fall on top of me. A few seconds later I shot out of the building by using a 75 percent time 5 kick to shot me out. "Ok deku, you got the civilians right?" "Yes, now what" "Take down those two villains, I'm looking at them right now. One quirk appears to be fire, the other one looks like...I can't tell, be careful" "ok" I leapt forward at the villains and kicked one across the face and grabbed the other's head and smashed them together. "YOU BITCH" I felt one of them grab my leg and throw me. I increased power to 100 percent and lunged at them. I kicked one of his knees and he fell to the ground. I jumped and punched the other villain in the groin, lets just say he was not happy. He grabbed my arm and I felt a small burning sensation before it disappeared. The villain looked at me in shock and I kicked his knee and he fell to the ground. I jumped up and shot a small wave of air at them and held them in place for the police to get the quirk canceling cuffs on them. I landed on the ground and deactivated my quirks, a news person with a camera ran to me. "And here she is, the hero that just took down those villains and caught that building. Miss, could you please tell the world your name" I smiled and waved at the camera. "Well I'm Deku!" My hair flowed in the gentle breeze and my eyes, and freckles were easily seen. "Wait! Aren't you that girl from Japan, from the sports festivals. You won every single one that you were in, you're Izuku Midoriya aren't you." I laughed a little bit. "Yup!" I smiled again. "Can you tell the world a little about yourself?" I looked back and saw the fire, still raging on. "I would love too but I need do something real fast." I activated my quirks again and dashed over to the fire and swung my arm through the air, sending a wave of air and putting out the fire before it had a chance to use the oxygen to feed. I ran over to the group of people I had saved from the building and healed any injuries they had. "Not bad for your first day deku" Inky landed in front of me as I turned away from the crowd. "Thanks Inky" she smiled at me. You know, if you want, my fridge is also empty at my house, wanna head back and then go out to grocery shop?" I nodded my head. A few more camera men started running at us, trying to get a good look at the new hero in town. I sighed and thought about Kacchan, if this was on international T.V, it's possible he could be watching right now. I waved at all the cameras, "Young Lady, tell us, what is your name?!" I smiled a little bit. "I'm Deku" I waved and I felt the ink wings form from Inky and we both flew off back to the agency to change. "You know, I've honestly always ben a big fan of yours. Every year since I became a pro, I watched the U.A sports festivals looking for new recruits, but when I saw you, even when you were a first year, I knew I needed you at my agency. I knew I would have to wait, due to the location differences but every time I saw you on the news or at the sports festival, you managed to surprise me each time. Nightmare also agrees with me, she just has a backstory that makes her more closed off than me." I laughed a little at the praise. "You know, she reminded me of when my mom died. I became extremely closed off for about a week, then I realized that she would want me to be happy, so I smiled through the pain. I miss her a lot though." I sighed as we landed back at the agency. "Sorry, if you don't mind me asking, when did your mom die" I sighed. "About 2, almost 3 years ago, the one scar that still hurts." She patted my back, "Well, for in what my book is a fresh loss, you're handling that pretty well. Nightmare was bullied, a lot. She was called a freak and other horrible names, I want her to tell you about it if you're gonna here it so I'll stop talking." I smiled slightly. "She's not the only one. I was bullied because I was a late bloomer, thought to be quirkless. Turns out, my quirk awakens after a traumatic experience, something I partially had do to some bullies, real fun. But hey, doesn't really matter what happened to us in the past, we can't change that. All we can do is focus on the future ahead of us." I looked down as my hand, the scars were faded but still noticeable. I also thought about the people in my life, the people that tore me down, built me up, tried to kill me, I saved, Kacchan, my friends, my mom, Sir Nighteye and All might. All of these people made me who I am today. "For a 18 almost 19 year old, you sure are pretty clever." I smiled slightly. "I guess things can do that to some people, especially witnessing death or having a near death experience, both of which I've delt with multiple times." "Ok, well you wanna go change. Meet me here in 10 minutes." I nodded and ran to the elevator and pressed the 29 floor button and sighed. 'Kacchan, hope he's fine.'
I walked out of my room and flipped on the T.V, I was having trouble sleeping and needed to relax. The T.V was on the news channel, I was about to change it when it was interrupted. "Today in America we bring you live on the sence of 2 rampaging villains in New York City." That's where deku is, she better be ok. "Look!" The man behind the camera pointed to a flash of green lightning flying around into a burning building, bringing people out and repeating. The lightning dashed out of the building, it was Deku. She looked awesome on T.V and saving people, but was cooler in real life. She dashed to save a woman as part of a building fell, she caught the building with her bare hands. I became anxious, I didn't want to see her get hurt, especially on live T.V with thousands of people watching. The piece of the building fell and everything was silent for about 5 seconds, the she shot out of the building and towards the sky. She was talking to someone, I couldn't understand it but her lips were moving. She jumped at the villains and started fighting them, 2 on 1. Out of anxiety I shut off the T.V and went back to my room. I thought about calling her, but she was probably busy right now and probably didn't have her phone on her, I'll call her tomorrow and check up on her. I sat on my bed and looked at my phone, live news channels were all losing their shit about her, all talking about for a new hero she was making quite the name for herself. Turned off my phone and laid down and stared at the ceiling. I was really worried about her, but it was something she could handle, I knew it was. I grabbed my phone again and clicked on one of the videos. "Wait, you're Izuku Midoriya aren't you?" She smiled and laughed slightly. "Yup". I turned off my phone again and placed it back on my table. I had gotten a request too, so what was this feeling. It felt like jealousy, I wanted to be the one out there, risking their life to save people and making the world know my name. I didn't understand it, I should be happy for her, but I always felt like number 2 around her. It's true that her power really is amazing, but it made me jealous. I wanted to be number 1 so that I could protect her, but here she is in America already on a mission on her first day even there. I wanted to be happy for her, but I wanted to be number 1. I wanted the spot light, I didn't want to be second place. I just don't understand my emotions, I need to stop thinking about this, I just need some fresh air. Oh I know, i'll just go get some candy from the gas station, they're open 24/7 so I can definitely find something. I threw on a black T-shirt with a skull and some black sweatpants. I grabbed my phone and shoved on my shoes. As I walked out of the door I tripped over something rectangular on the floor. I looked down and it was Deku's suitcase, the one she asked me to keep until she came back. I smiled and sighed, just the sight of the suitcase made me more calm. I walked out the door and grabbed my keys to the house and walked out the door and into the street. I walked down to the gas station and walked inside, a small bell ringing as I did so. "Good Night sir?" I just nodded and walked over to the candy section. The store was quiet, the only sound was the small T.V hanging over the counter. "And there goes the new hero Deku." I smirked slightly as I picked out my favorite candy, hot cinnamon Mike n' Ike's. I walked to the soda area and picked up a Coke and then walked to the counter. I placed my things on the counter and pulled out my wallet as the man behind the desk scanned my items. "Hey, you're Katsuki Bakugou right? I'm a big fan, your quirk is amazing. You were in the same class as Midoriya right? She's so cool." I nodded and smirked a little. "She's a lot cooler in person. I was in the same class as her, infact she's my girlfriend." "Wow!, you're so lucky. That will be 4 dollars and 37 cents." I handed him the exact amount of money and he handed me my items as I put my wallet back in my pocket. "Yeah, she's great. I'm just worried about her." He shook his head. "As you should be, she is your girlfriend. It's only natural to worry about her." I nodded and walked out of the store and back to my house. I decided that I would just call her when I finished eating my candy and drinking my soda, she was done with work after all.

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