Chapter 2-The Real World

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"Levy!" Lucy yelled to me from across the hallway. Even though in my dreams there was magic, here there was just a lot of drama. And none of that drama I cared about.

"Move it guys!" Still Lucy. Just now she's trying to make her way through the crowds of students. Ever sense last semester when a group of new kids joined, even more people fill the halls. One of those people was Gajeel.

"You made the face," Lucy said quietly right in front of me. She has a way with her elbows.

"What face?!" I say, trying to act innocent.

"The face."

"That's not an answer."

"The cute guy face."

"Look around who do you see that's cute."

"No one." Yes! Finally I beat her! "Only because Gajeel, your truest love, isn't here." Dang nab it.

"Fine you win, again. Let's just get to class."


"I'd like you guys to open your textbooks to page 394. Today we'll be learning about lunar patterns and the myths surrounding them." Mr. Clive said. He was the... I don't actually know what he taught. He kind of just did what ever he wanted and didn't give a crap about the curriculum. Best teacher ever.

"Can anyone tell me what mythical happenings, well, happen on the full moon?" He asked the class.

My hand shoot in the air. "It's supposedly said that 'werewolves' transform during the full moon."

"*cough cough* Nerd. *cough cough*" Someone said from the back of the room. If I had to guess who it was I'd say the kid with the creepy eye makeup, Erigor.

"*cough cough* No one gives a crap ya little sh*thead *cough cough*" Clive said/coughed back. And everyone likes Prof. Jose better.

"Can we please get back to the lesson, sir?" The redheaded Erza asked. She's so dedicated and gets angry so fast.

"Yes yes. Can anyone tell me what a blue moon is?"

"It's when the man on the moon gets sad." Okay, who said that? That was one of the weirdest answers ever. I turned my head to see who it was. Oh. It was Natsu. Just a regular day I guess.

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