Let's be Villians!

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SadisticBuddy: Awesome. Lol

UselessDork: XD aye ya still alive!

SadisticBuddy: Why wouldn't I be? XD

UselessDork: I dunno you socialize I don't, 😅 these humans just wont shut up about this virus, the talking about it is more frustrating then the body count and the fact I can't get the food I want to eat!

SadisticBuddy: I socialize? Lol where'd you get that from? XD this virus really is annoying. All the food is gone and everyone is being dramatic as tuck about this. My only concern is eating. They want to get rid off all the food. How infuriating. -_- I wish this virus killed everyone already. Such a slow add virus... XDD

UselessDork: I know right, I'm tempted at giving it a helping hand, maybe thats what we should do huh

SadisticBuddy: Yes! Lets dress up in badass outfits with mask. Weaponize this stupid virus and become super villains! 😁

SadisticBuddy: That or just kill everyone. Your call. Lol

UselessDork: Both 😂 lets do that and kill everyonea

SadisticBuddy: So we need super villain names then. XD

UselessDork: Yeah what should our names be XD

SadisticBuddy: I'm just gonna study with Gora. Lol what do you think?

UselessDork: XD creative very lol

SadisticBuddy: <_< then you come up with something. XDD

UselessDork: Pft you know I'm  crap at coming up with names,

SadisticBuddy: My point exactly. 😝 honestly my villain name needs an update. I came up with it when I was younger and it is definitely dated by now. Lol so I need to think about it. You should do the same. I want to know what you would come up with. XDD

UselessDork: 😅😆 oh yeah sure give the uselessdork a chance to think of a name huh mr E

SadisticBuddy: <_< at least my name is more positive. XD

UselessDork: I have UsefulIdiot to XD

SadisticBuddy: Besides I just put in what came to mind. I didn't think about it. Maybe I should have put Genati after all. XD also mine is still more positive. Lmao

UselessDork: XD who needs positive when you're a villian

SadisticBuddy: It's better on a villain resume. Imagine going to Lex Luthor with the nickname uselessidiot... Lmao

UselessDork: UsefulIdiot! Gid get it right if you tryna insult my names lol

SadisticBuddy: Maybe I was trying to insult you. XD even so how is an idiot useful? XDD

UselessDork: Exactly the point, how is a dork useless? I did those on purpose for contradictory measures

SadisticBuddy: And you believe that this makes for a good villain name then? XD

UselessDork: It makes for a good gaming name n it got me friend requests that i declined on DC universe 😅

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