I'm bored

4 0 0

Bunnimaru: DeadChat

Barghest: "everyone died"

Axmil: "in my defence I'm in class"

Bunnimaru: CHAT REVIVE

Axmil: sips drink

Barghest: breaths fwire

Axmil: peeking

Bunnimaru: I had a bunch of stuff to do

Barghest: cheering dragon "fwire everywhere"

Axmile: "FIIIRE" breath fire

Barghest breaths fwire

Axmil: "nice and toasty"

Bunnimaru: sitting in fire "I'm fucking bored"

Barghest: "hi fucking bored I'm Set"

Bunnimaru: bonks with carrot

Axmil: "hi fucking bored, I'm your lord and saviour Axmil"

Barghest: blows raspberries

Bunnimaru: unimpressed

Axmil: evil smile

Barghest: bowing "bow down to Axmil"

Axmil: kneel before me

Bunnimaru: eats cookie watching

Barghest: breathes fire

Bunnimaru: I only kneel to hide from things

Barghest: breaths fwire over bun

Bunnimaru: revives

Barghest: "you're supposed to kneel" evil smile

Bunnimaru: "I'm to lazy to ninja void damage" flails

Barghest: eats cookie "attempt 1 failed"

Bunnimaru: do i have to kneel if i just donate shit to Axmil's hoard

Barghest: "no that counts to"

Bunnimaru: "neat take my wallet, I'll just lay here waiting for something exciting to happen"

Barghest" takes wallet and puts with Axmils hoard"

Bunnimaru: grinning cause it's super empty

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