I can't stay away

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Ruchi managed to maintain safe distance from her husband for the next three days as she woke up early, went to the gym, got dressed from there and went directly to office, she returned late, sometimes way past midnight and went to sleep. Her mother called twice to check on her.

"Hmm, doing good Maa, what else?" she asked grumpily, munching on a piece of toast. She was supposed to meet the new group director before the morning meet. If Mrs. Mukherjee found time to speak with her, she must have been asked to else she doesn't bother. "So how's life in general?" she asked carefully. "Come to the point now, what do you want?"

Her mom was used to Ruchi's cold behavior, hence she smiled and persisted, "All good with Dev?"

"Okay maa, he called you?" Ruchi was getting angry now. She was not used to sharing anything with her parents or for that matter anyone other than Aditi. "Naa baba, i called him today he sounded really down that is why am worried." Ruchi checked her reflection in the glass pane overlooking the sea. Her grey suit looked impeccable. and ready for the meet. The last few days she worked like a zombie, not letting the humiliation get to her head; four of the portfolios were completed, three deals closed and the group partner proudly declared that he can see a shade of himself in her.

"It's nothing, I just need some time to focus on my career. Besides, I need time to adjust to this celebrity lifestyle, I am not used to - you must know, you face the camera everyday."

"Hmm i understand baba, but then try to put yourself in his shoes; constantly under the media and public glare, coping to lead a normal life. He also mentioned a new house which is ready and he is looking forward to move in with you. Won't that be amazing? Your new place to share only with him?"

Ruchi kept wondering about the new house and will it really change things for them? "Hi, are you waiting for me?" a deep voice stated from the reception and Ruchi jumped. Scrambling to collect her bag when she noticed a tall, handsome man in a crisp navy blue suit and gelled hair. He had an oriental face with almond shaped eyes and a long nose. "OH, sorry Mr Li, welcome to India." smiled Ruchi, extending her hand. The next few hours passed in a flurry of activities in which the strategy of the chain of hotels was extensively discussed with several mortgage and financial instrument options for the merger.

"Also, Miss Mukherjee, would appreciate if you could add the marketing and advertising costs in our expenditures, please refer to the third presentation." LI's assistant piped in, forwarding the set of presentations. Ruchi opened the one mentioned and started the video, before she could play the entire thing, Li spoke up

"Okay guys, let's take a break. Ruchi, would you mind accompanying me for the lunch? Ruchi looked at Li and wondered whether it was a simple honest lunch or meant something else. Fuck it!! Already her mind was in a mess, she needed a break. "Sure, why not?" she smiled sweetly, picking up her bag.

They headed to the exclusive Wasabi in the Audi. She stared out of the window as the car cruised through the traffic. It did not help clear her mind; Dev's gigantic posters were scattered across the city, some for a luxury watch, a few for a car brand and others for his movies. He looked even more handsome in those. Gulping, she turned the look inside the mini television which was playing in the car. I need a clarity  God help me. Can i trust him again? Why do i need to be so hopelessly in love with him?

"Here we are Miss Mukherjee, do you mind?" sounded a voice and Ruchi jumped. They were already in the portico and her door was held ajar by someone. Shakily, she stood up and entered the restaurant. She had never been here and  given Mr Li's preference of Asian cuisine, this place was really great. The hostess ambled forward wearing thick makeup and a flirty smile directed towards Li.

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