Chapter 2

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( Tko's Pov )

"AAAOOWWWWWYYYY", Ko cried like a baby.

"We're getting close to the hospital so stop crying, you doofus baby!!", I yelled out of annoyance.

"Don't be so cruel, Tko! He's in pain!", Rad said as he was driving his van.

"Yeah! What will you do if you were in his place?!", Enid said with mad face.

"Heh, I'd be taking the pain like a real man!", I said with crossed arms as I smirked.

"Sure whatever. Hold on there, lil buddy", Enid said as she looked at Ko who was laying on the back seat next to me.

"It hurts!! It hurts so bad!!", Ko cried in pain as tears kept rolling down on his cheek.

"I know, we're almost there, okay?", Enid said, and he nodded at her as he sniffed.


~ Skip Time ~

"Alright Ko, may I know how did you break your leg like that?", the doctor said as he looked at the x-ray picture they took of Ko's leg.

"I was cleaning the bodega's roof with my friends, but we suddenly got attacked by evil robots and...I fell", Ko said as he looked at the cast on his left leg.

Ko was sitting on a hospital bed as he's now wearing a blue gown, Rad and Enid stood there beside him, while I sat on one of the seats in the room and played with my video game.

"Hmmm... I see. Unfortunately your leg is too damaged to be able to walk on it again..", the doctor was cut off.

"What?! You mean I won't be able to walk again?! Oh nooohohooow, my career as a hero just endddeeeddddd", Ko cried dramatically.

"Yeesh calm down drama queen", I said as I didn't even bother to look at him, and I kept playing with my video game.

"Ko, let the doctor finish his talk", Enid said as she put a hand on his shoulder.

"Ahem.. as I was saying, you won't be able to walk again for few weeks, so I suggest you stay here in the hospital to give you the medical treatment you need", the doctor said with a friendly smile.

"But.. how long it will take??", Ko asked.

"It depends on how your leg reacts to the treatments", the doctor said.

"Okay... thank you very much, doctor", Ko thanked him.

"You're very welcome. The nurse will come in few minutes to take care of you", the doctor said as he was about to open the door to leave, but the door slammed open in his face, and mom came in.

"WHERE IS HE?!", mom yelled as she came in, the doctor groaned in pain a little before he leaves.

"Oh my poor little baby boy *kiss* *kiss*!! I came as soon as possible when I heard the bad news *kiss*! How are you doing sweetheart? What did the doctor say?", mom said as she grabbed Ko's shoulders.

"I'm okay mommy, the doctor said I should stay in the hospital for few weeks to get the medical treatment I need", Ko said with sad smile.

My mom let out a sigh. "Well, if the doctor said this, then I don't think we have other options. Are you gonna be okay sleeping by yourself?", mom asked as she knows that Ko fears sleeping alone, that's why I was forced to share a room with that fool.

"I'll be fine! I'm a grown man now!", Ko said as he smiled, but I can tell he's lying.

"Hehe that's my boy", mom said as she rubbed his head.

"Don't worry, lil man we'll come visit you everyday!", Rad said to cheer him up.

"Yeah! And if you need anything just give us a call and we'll be right here for you, right Tko?", Enid said.

"Yeah whatever", I said as I kept my eyes on the game, but unfortunately the battery died. "Ugh I'm hungry, I'm gonna go buy some snacks", I said as I jumped off the seat and went to the door.

My mom let out a sigh again. "Don't worry, Ko we're all here for you", she said, and I rolled my eyes and left.

When I got out, then someone suddenly bumped into me, making me fall on the floor with them.

I groaned in pain a bit. "Ugh, watch it you stup-", I cut myself off.

My eyes met with her (e/c) ones, her soft (h/c) hair shined on her shoulders, she looked at me with some guilt, her pink lips mouthed me 'sorry'...

I stared at her beautiful face as I blushed.

Wait...why is she mouthing to me?

"Tko are you okay?", Enid said as she opened the door, looking at me and the girl on the floor.

"There she is!! Patient 207!!", the girl looked horrified, and she jumped running away.

Patient 207?

Two nurses started chasing her after that.

"Dude, you okay?", Enid asked again.

"I'm fine, dork", I said with annoyance as I stood up and cleaned myself.

"Who was that?", Enid asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"I dunno, patient 207 I guess", I said as I walked away to buy some snacks as I planned.

Enid shrugged and went back inside the room, while I walked to the vending machine I saw here earlier when we came to the hospital.

I took out some coins from my pocket, I put them in the machine and bought a chocolate bar.

I took it out of the machine, I was about to open it and enjoy it, but I saw the same girl that bumped into me, one of the nurses was holding her in her arms, and  the girl keeps resisting.

I put the chocolate bar in my pocket and started following them.

"Stop resisting, 207! Aren't you tired of trying to escape?!", the nurse who was holding her said as she got into a room.

I stood outside the room and watched them as they put her in the bed, still resisting.

Why is she trying to escape?

"Hold her still so I can inject her with the needle", the other nurse said as she held a needle in her hand.

Once she injected the girl, she started calming down as she breathed heavily from her mouth.

"We should put some handcuffs on her hands and the bed so she won't try to escape again", one of the nurses said.

"Really? That's your plan? Treating her like a criminal?", the other one said as she covered up the girl who is by now is asleep.

"Well do you have a better idea?!", she asked as they both came out of the room.

The nurses now noticed me, so I walked away and headed back to Ko's room.

Well that was kinda awkward..


For some reason I got excited to publish the second chapter XD

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