Chapter 2

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After sitting in silence for what felt like eternity, but in actuality was 30 minutes, Lucas finally turned to the others and nodded.

“I think they must’ve given up on looking for us,” he finally told them.

“So now what?” Jerry asked him.

“Well, I think the most obvious choice is finding a way out of here.”

“How are we going to do that?” Chelsea asked. “It’s not like we can just walk out the front door safely.”

“Maybe we can,” Lucas replied. “We’d need some weapons to protect ourselves from the zombies, but the closest exit isn’t far from this room. If we hurry, we can get out of here.”

“That’s pretty risky, Harving,” Jerry pointed out.

“It’s also risky staying in a building full of brain-eating zombies.” Lucas replied.

“Well, for all we know, there are zombies all over Coston!” Becky argued. “Heck, if there were some in New York a while ago, they could be all over the country right now!”

“We don’t know that for sure,” Lucas replied sternly. “The best we can do right now is have faith that everything will be alright. Even if it may not be true, we still have to have faith.”

“He’s right, guys,” Phoebe slowly said softly. “Even if it’s no safer outside the building, we need to have hope that it’ll be better.”

There was a long silence after that. Finally, Ned just sighed.

“They’re right,” he told the others.

“But how exactly are we going to protect ourselves?” Jerry asked.

“I’m not sure,” Lucas replied. “Maybe we can make weapons in here.”

With that, they all decided to look around the lab to find something to construct a weapon out of.

“Maybe some of these chemicals could help?” Chelsea asked as she stared at the chemical closet.

“Good idea!” Jerry replied. He then turned to everyone else and asked, “Does anyone know which of these could potentially kill a zombie? Or anyone, for that matter?”

There was total silence as everyone looked towards Ned, who looked completely confused.

“What?” he asked.

“Aren’t you the only one in the chemistry class who got an A?” Lucas asked.

“Well, yeah, but I’ve never actually handled the chemicals without Mr. Ladelson’s assistance!”

“We’re not asking for you to handle them; we’re asking you to tell us which ones can help us kill a zombie!” Jerry snapped. Ned just sighed.

“Look, the truth is...I really don’t know,” he finally said.

“What do you mean you don’t know?!” Becky yelled.

“I mean...I just studied what I needed to study to pass the test. I don’t remember any of it now that I didn’t need it!”

“Well, I’ll be darned,” Jerry scoffed. “Ned Rike can actually relate to every other student in the school!”

Ned actually looked like he had an embarrassed look on his face. Maybe it had something to do with relating to the other students.

“So now what?” Phoebe asked quietly. “How are we going to protect ourselves?”

“Maybe we could build our weapons out of some of the supplies in here,” Lucas said in thought as he looked around the room.

School vs. ZombiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora