Live A Little

78 4 1

September 13, 1988

       It had almost been a week since Rylee had helped Sam pocket that man's wallet. It was hard for her to admit it, but she missed his presence. During school, she would continuously daydream about him, not weirdly, but she would imagine herself walking with him again. Talking about whatever came to mind. She highly doubted they would ever cross paths again though. So for now she would have to keep him as a memory.

With the week finally coming to an end, Rylee walked herself home from school, tired and ready to turn in. On the way to her house, she couldn't help drifting back to the thought of Sam. She wondered what he was up to if he was up to anything. She even wondered if he ever thought about her. She shook her head in protest. It was bugging her how much she would think about him with only one encounter.

She arrived back home, tossing her book bag to the floor once she entered her room. One wall was covered with posters of men and women from the 50s and 80s, with hardly any gray wall showing behind. The rest of her room resembled a typical teenage girl's room. Polaroids of friends, movie tickets; random memories that could be thrown onto her wall. Plants were lined up in any space open, all in decent condition. Her bed was plush with fuzzy blankets and way too many pillows. She allowed herself to sink into it as she dived into comfort. Finally, the weekend had arrived and granted her time to rest from the stress of school.

She smiled laying there, completely content when something struck her window. She assumed something must have gotten thrown up by the wind and brushed it off as nothing, returning to her tranquil state. When it continued she shot up and marched her way to the window. When she pulled the curtains away she was shocked, to say the least. There on her lawn stood Sam Morgan. The boy she couldn't get off of her mind for a week.

She opened the window and shoved her head out. "Sam?" She yelled as quietly as possible.

"The one and only." He did a half bow with a smug look on his face.

"How did you know this window was mine? You're lucky it wasn't my parents." Rylee's voice contradicted how she was feeling at that moment. She was in pure bliss to know that Sam was thinking about her. Enough to even come and visit.

"Well let's just say it was a lucky guess." Rylee tilted her head at that and Sam only shook his head chuckling. "So are you going to let me up or not?"

Rylee panicked. Her room was a mess. That was a complete understatement. Her room was completely monstrous. She looked at Sam with a lopsided smile and quickly told him to give her a second. She sped around her room shoving items where they didn't belong, but at the end good enough to hide the mess. She finished by putting a few dirty articles of clothing in her closet and shutting that catastrophe away as well.

She walked back to the window and looked around puzzled. He wasn't there. She was about to shut the window when a pair of hands suddenly appeared on her windowsill. She looked down and behold, Sam Morgan hanging from her window.

"I didn't know you were half squirrel," Rylee said with a scoff.

"I didn't know you liked shutting people out," Sam remarked.

Rylee was taken aback. She knew he was only teasing, but she did have a problem with shutting people out. There aren't many people she liked to keep in her life. Too many people had left her in tears, they were toxic and needed to be removed. In the end, it still affected her choices when meeting new people. With Sam she instantly knew he was a good kid, the only bad bone in him was the fact he stole from others. It was all good at heart though, for the most part.

"Yeah well, I thought you left." She opened the window up some more to help for his way in. He lifted himself with ease and landed in her room, leaving Rylee with an impressed gaze. "So you do this often? Climb through windows and..."

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