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   September 6, 1988

    It was nearly 6 o'clock. The street lights were beginning to respond to the growing darkness while Rylee was walking herself to the nearest store. Her parents told her to go pick up a few things for dinner once she was off from school. They were having spaghetti based on the list her dad had sent her.
   She walked into the store and started looking around for the ingredients. She was about to grab the noodles before her eye caught something to the right of her. Just a few feet away was a boy her age with short brown hair and a tall build who seemed to be stalking a man in the aisle with him. Rylee stepped away from the noodles to get a better angle of the situation. The unknown boy continued to get closer to the older man, keeping his eyes fixed on his butt. She found this very odd before it finally clicked in her head. He was about to steal his wallet.

   Looking over the boy again she noticed he wasn't very put together. His shirt was on the dirty side like it hadn't been washed for quite some time. His shoes were muddy and scuffed in numerous places. She couldn't understand personally but she did feel bad for him. He was too young to be living that kind of life.
   The boy made his move and snatched the wallet from his back pocket. Rylee wouldn't have even seen it if she wasn't paying close attention. As soon as he had it tucked away he started to walk towards the exit before the man could notice. Though it seemed the man also had been surveying his proximity.
  "Hey! Did you just steal my wallet kid?" The man shouted, emphasizing "kid".

  "What? Me? Sir, I didn't even know you had a wallet." The boy defended with his hands up.

  "I know you took it, you've been following me the moment I walked into this damn place." The older man started to approach the boy. The teen took a few steps back contemplating what he should do next.
  Before Rylee even had time to process what she was doing she stepped in front of the brunette and addressed the man. "Wait are you looking for a wallet? I just found one on the ground not too long ago and gave it to the cashier in case the owner returned." The older man looked from her to the boy and back to Rylee. He bit his tongue and took one last look before walking to the cashier. Once the man was out of earshot she turned to the kid. "Ok now run."

  "Wait, what?" The boy looked at her in shock. 
  "I said run before he finds out there is no wallet." She was about to say something else but was cut off when the man from before was heard yelling at the front. Rylee dropped her basket of groceries and grabbed the boy's hand instead, together they ran to the exit and down the street.
  They turned into a public park with several trees that acted as coverage from the streets. Rylee walked over to a wooden park bench and sat down panting. The boy followed close behind but stayed standing, still in shock from the whole ordeal.

  "You saved my ass there." He said with a half smile. Rylee looked up at him smiling too.
  "Don't mention it." Rylee laughed a bit before a gasp caught in her throat. "Shit the groceries. Hey, it was nice meeting you, but I need to find a new store to pick up on my shopping."  She got up and started walking towards town again.
  "Hey wait up, let me help you. It's the least I can do for what you did for me back there." He ran up beside her to match her pace.
  "Don't tell me I need to cover for you again", he laughed at her remark and shook his head.
  "No, no I won't, trust me. I have to ask though, why did you do it?" He looked over at her waiting for a response. He genuinely was curious, she seemed very fortunate and not the type to be helping...thieves.
  "If I'm being honest, I felt bad. You look too young to be living like this." Sympathy laced her voice as she spoke. He kept his gaze forward as he walked with her, not sure how to respond.
  "I like to believe that greatness comes from small beginnings. I may not seem like much now," he said pointing to himself, "but give me time."

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