IV: Enlistment

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2012 March: Architecture: Chapter One Premiere

It's been a little over two months since the filming wrapped up for Architecture: Chapter One; and it's also ben two months since Chae Won and Je Hoon saw each other again. Je Hoon has been filming two projects the past month and even went oversea filming for about two weeks last month. Both couldn't hide the giddiness they felt seeing each other again. "We should meet more often," Je Hoon suggests.

Chaewon could feel her cheek heat up; this is when she realized she's fallen for him. "Should we?" she tried to control her smile so it won't reach his ears; that way it won't be obvious that she's looking forward to see him more in the future days.

It wasn't all just a talk since they really see each other often in the next three months until they became busy again. Chaewon started to film for "The Nice Man" while the following month Je Hoon started filming two new films.

Their meetings were getting rare; yet despite Je Hoon being extra busy he still makes time to see her at least once every month. The longing just made their feelings stronger for each other. Two months of frequently seeing each other after Architecture: Chapter One premiere, Je Hoon finally asked Chae Won to officially date and Chae Won didn't hesitate and agreed, they were so in love and happy.

2012 September

Je Hoon is preparing for his military enlistment and started sorting out his schedules. Not too long ago he has receive his final draft, he already knew he needs to enlist sooner than later; he has yet told Chae Won of the news.

Wearing all black, Je Hoon is sitting on a bench waiting for his girlfriend Chae Won. It's three in the morning and it's chilly outside. While he waits he takes in the view of Han River under the dark starry sky. Five minutes waiting and Chae Won finally arrived. She too is wearing all black with extra coat covering her small frame.

"Oppa," Je Hoon happily smiles at the sound of her voice, he looks up to her who's still standing at his ten. She briefly met his eyes while giving him an adorable smile before she slowly turns her gaze at the view in front of them.

A part of the river shining brightly as the moonlight shine through it from above, the reflection of the moon on the calm water of Han River; and the person he's sharing this moment with makes this date even more special than she imagined. She has always wanted to try having a date in this famous public place for couples. It's simple, just like how she pictures out a perfect date.

Chaewon closes her eyes and inhales deeply feeling the cold breeze; holds her breathe for couple of seconds then released it. It's relaxing, "Thank you" she says. Je Hoon captured the view of her with his eyes; wanting to remember every small detail of this moment with her.

Chae Won sits beside him; he took her hands in his and brings it close to his mouth as he blows out warm breath to her cold hands then rubs it slowly. Her hands went warm in a second not just because of what he did but also because she still feels her insides warming whenever he touch her. Maybe she just loves him that much.

"We've been together for 120 days now," Je Hoon starts.

"It's that much now?" she smiled amazed. Despite having tight schedule that made days longer; it still felt like they just started to officially date yesterday, "But I want us to last longer," she pouts.

"Longer? Shouldn't you say we should last forever;" he complains and it made Chaewon shifts from her seat "Ah right," she laughs dryly. "Forever," she corrects herself.

"Well," he turns to his right where a small cake is sitting on the empty space beside him; he carefully lifts it and presents it to Chaewon. She was surprised he actually prepared something when a 120 days is not really celebrated, how much more with people like them. Nonetheless she's quick to help him take it out of its box and placed it atop on the now empty cake box.

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