Chapter 7: Survey

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Inosuke's POV

"Whatcha fillin' out?" I chuckled as I ripped a paper from Popito. I began to read it... a survey... for a dance... 

"It's a survey for the annual dance, Inosuke. You can have it- I brought extras anyways. Kanao passed some to me, and I got some for all of us to fill. Try and fill it out, Inosuke." He says with a soft chuckle before rummaging through his bag again. "We can turn it all in together to a Butterfly Girl."

I scoffed, looking at it, tossing to the side. "Like I would have time to fill out a survey for a dumb dance. I wouldn't like it very much anyways."

That's when Zenpitsu walked in with some weird bag of chips. "Wait... a dance? Dude! It gives me permission to go and ask girls out! This'll be good!"

"No- that's not what a dance is for! There's so much great things about it- dancing with your friends, having fun, and more fun!" Popito had this huge grin on his face. "It's the best thing ever- I used to love dances back at my old schools... it was always fun."

"Fun because you always had a girl to dance with, Tanjiro!"

"Yeah- Nezuko!"

"Oh... such a shame, Tanjiro! Only hanging out with your kid sister. Sheesh, taking your only single sister to school- people would think you're weird. Dancing with your biological sister... wouldn't it be so weird?"

Popito shrugged his shoulders. "I mean... it's not weird when I have tons of siblings. Anyways, I just can't wait to see how this school's dance will be. Every year and every school has their own kind of theme. Since this one is in the spring... it should be really interesting. Especially since they gave out surveys to help plan out the dance."

"Survey?" Zenpitsu says with a heavy sigh in his tone. "Wait... for the dance...? How far will they take the- oh." He snatched a survey paper from Tanpoto, which he gave the both of us a weird stare. But Tanpoto shrugged his shoulders and took out his own survey paper. "They did give us... recommendations. That sucks... oh well..."

"What are you voting for, Zenitsu?"

I turned back to the blonde bastard, and he just took out a pen from his pocket. "Eh... I mean... they are all suggestions for spring-related things... flowers, anything happy... dude... wait... a king and queen thing? That'll be cool!"

"Hah? King and Queen of dances? Lame." I shouted, chuckling a bit. "They don't have any real power- fakers."

"It's not like we're gonna get any king positions..." Zenpitcho says with a heavy sigh. "We're just not popular among the people here. I mean... if I'm truly honest about it all... I bet it would be Tanjiro. After all, he is a good boy to everyone."

I scoffed as they continued to talk about this weird survey. A dance does seem stupid. Especially with their king and queen system. Election by looks- that's not the greatest way to elect people who represent royalty and power. I feel better if they have some sort of competition. Make them earn their title.

"It's late, we should get some sleep." Tetsu says with a heavy sigh, walking out. "I'll see ya tomorrow morning."

"Bye, Tanjiro."

*   *   *

Aoi's POV

Next day...

Sitting down in the student council office, I sighed at all of the paper surveys we made. Now that I think of it, the way we organized it was terrible. We should've made it online, but then again... not all students can afford electronics and maintaining electric bills... I understood those problems, so I printed out paper for every student. It seemed that I had to go through all these by myself for now. All the little B.G. were off doing their own homework, so I didn't want to put this stress on them. Kanao... well, she was doing her own thing anyways.

I sipped a bit of some tea and then went to work calculating who wanted what on our surveys. 

By the end of the calculations, I had a few ideas already working out for the annual spring dance. Overwhelmingly, I saw that everyone wanted to have cooking contest, firefly lamps, and of course, the dance battle. It seems to be manageable. 

First thing first, I can talk over with the cooking club about how to make an easy cooking contest for all the ages and stages of cooking. Then, I can talk to the craft's club to go and ask for advice on how to do some lamps for people to make and hang all over the school. I can even ask them to help out with overall decorations. Finally... the dance battle... that'll be one of the hardest ones to do. I guess we can talk to the hip-hop club as well as the dance classes. Even get the instructor to help host it.

With a heavy sigh, I began to organize the papers. Last but not least, we had to think of electing the king and queen. All ages of both boys and girls were welcome to participate. And to make it equal, we have different kings and queens per grade. That way the older kids won't always have the leverage of winning. And the little kids can all have fun playing around and playing fantasy with each other. Oh, the innocence of kids. 

Everything needs to work well- after all, I'm just a junior at this school. I need to display a good role model for the younger B.G. and why not start it with me? I felt this gleaming smile on my face growing as I began my way down to the girls' dorms. This dance will be one of the most perfect things ever.

*   *   *

"Hey... Aoi..." I was about to get some ice cream from our freezer when Sumi, once more, gave me this small bundle of flowers. Once more, it was wilted and practically dead.

I sighed heavily, taking it from her. "Again?"

"This time, the gardener noticed it this afternoon. He's getting antsy about it... so he's reporting the illegal use of flower picking on school grounds. What will happen then, Aoi?"

I put on a smile on my face, chuckling softly to Sumi. "Don't worry. As long as you follow the rules and act as a proper leader to everyone, you'll be fine. Be strong, Sumi. One day, you'll be in my position. It's an honor being a role model to everyone at this school."

She smiled brightly, giggling a bit. "I can't wait to be just like you!"

"Mhm! Now, off to bed, Sumi. It's 5 minutes until lights' out."

She smiles and slowly walks down to her floor. "Oh, and Aoi? How's the dance plans going?"

"What you suggested was amazing, Sumi. Now we got a bunch of ideas floating around. Tomorrow, I'll go and email everyone about the plans. We'll get through all of them, and we're gonna make this year one of the best annual spring dances."


I smiled and waved her my goodbyes as she raced off to bed. With the plans of the dance off to the side, I needed to launch my own investigation of the mysterious wilted flowers. Who was doing such a thing? I appreciate the little gesture, but I think it would've been better if it wasn't wilted and wasn't from school grounds. I just wonder why I've been getting these flowers. Some sort of... secret admirer?

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