Chapter 9

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Alastor was practically dragging Angel Dust down the main staircase. Both men had their hands interlocked as they ran down. "What's the rush?" Charlie snickered. "I don't remember." Alastor suddenly halted,causing Angel to tumble down. "Shit!" Angel cursed as he fell down. "Oh my goodness! I am so sorry Darling!" Alastor said as he rushed to his boyfriend. "Let me look." Alastor sighed. Angel was rubbing his forehead. "I'm fine Baby. Don't worry." Angel Dust groaned. But it was too late. Alastor's motherly instincts had kicked in. Alastor was straddling Angel Dust's lap as he hushed and cooed, while checking for bruises and cuts. 

God. This is attractive... Angel Dust thought looking up. "Only some little bruising." Alastor huffed. He then got up, only to hold his hand out for Angel. Angel took it, and after getting up. He kissed said hand. Alastor blushed and cooed as a response. "Fucking finally!" Nifty interrupted. "That was a little rude there." Vaggie replied. "Well, sorry that I am now relieved that these two idiots got together!" Nifty scoffed. "I am happy for you two." Husk replied back as he cleaned the bar. "Thank you!" Alastor said as he wrapped his arms around Angel Dust's neck. They then both kissed, ending with a giggle from Alastor. "Ah,Mon Amour~" Alastor sighed all lovey dovey like. "Remember the rules." Charlie interrupted. "Ah-ha! Look at us! We're having sex in the lobby! Oh-ho!" Angel said sarcastically to the audience. Alastor snorted at his Lover's response. Nifty, Husk and Vaggie just rolled their eyes. "Fuck you!" Charlie snarled. "You wish." Angel Dust winked. This caused the Princess to stomp off in a huff. 

"Will you be okay?" Alastor worried. "Yeah. Worse she can do is release me from the sponsorship." Angel scoffed. "Anyway." Angel said to change the subject. "Where were we?" He said as he tickled the other's chin. "Maybe another kiss? Hm?" Alastor laughed. "Sounds good Sweetheart~" Angel Dust cooed. Another kiss was given. "Anyway Doll. I need to get some work done, okay? I promise to be back for lunch." Angel said afterwards. Alastor had an idea what Angel's work entailed. But he didn't want to know exactly what. "Okay..." Alastor pouted as he played with the other's coat. "Oh don't be like that. Like I said, I will be back by lunch. I'll be fine. Okay?" Angel said and he kissed Alastor's forehead. "Promise?" Alastor cried. "Promise." Angel said as he started to leave.


-Mon Amor: My Love

Notes: Oh boy! Sort but eventful! Hopefully Angel will be fine. ^^

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