Chapter 6

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Angel Dust was ready. He just wore a smile suit and tie. When he walked out of his room, he still saw that Alastor's was still in his. Angel Dust knocked on the deer's door. "May I come in?" Angel Dust asked. "Yes, please." Alastor whined. Angel opened the door and saw that Alastor was trying to put up his hair. "Mind helping?" He whined again, clearly losing patience. The Mafia Boss just chuckled. "Sure thing." Angel took the hair-band and quickly made it into a ponytail. "I don't understand how you can do that." Alastor huffed. Angel Dust giggled and 'booped' his nose. "Can you still stay while I get dressed?" Alastor asked. "Yeah." Angel Dust replied back. Alastor hopped up and hugged Angel around the neck. "Thank you." He whispered as he headed to his walk-in closet. 

After a few minutes, Alastor came out in a different suit. He wore a light blue dress shirt, white bow-tie and vest, with matching jacket and pants. In a pocket on his chest, he had a white/blue ombré rose. Angel Dust was pink, then he found out that his jacket was shorter and showed his tail. "Oh Lord..." Angel Dust whispered. "What? Does it look bad?" Alastor asked, worried. "What? No! Y-You just... Y-You look nice..." Angel said as he turned red. "O-Oh..." Alastor blushed back. "T-Thank you..." He then said, scratching his neck. "Uh. Here." Angel said. He then took the rose and stuck it behind one of Alastor's ear. Alastor turned bright red. "O-Oh..." Was all he said. Angel took one of his hands and placed it on one of Alastor's cheeck. "A-Angel?" Alastor whispered. Angel leaned in, until he stopped. What was he thinking?! "I am so sorry!" Angel then apologized.  "It's okay." Alastor said as he looked away with a blush. "Anyway..." He started. "We,uh-we should go." Alastor continued. Angel Dust nodded in response. Both men then exited the room to the dining room.

"Ah. There they are! Late as ever!" Charlie cheered. She was surrounded by other Demons and Overlords, so she was trying to act 'nicer'. "I'm sorry..." Alastor sniffed. He knew that Charlie was pissed. "No,no. You are quite alright." Vaggie reassured the Blueberry. "Really?!" Alastor cooed.  "Absolutely!" Vaggie responded. "Anyway!" Charlie said as she rolled her eyes. "Take a seat you two." She said, more like commanding. Both men sat where their name cards were. Alastor was seated between Valentino and Vox. And Angel Dust was seated between Husk and Baxter. "My,my. Why don't you look stunning~." Vox flirted to Alastor. "Thank you~" Alastor giggled in response. Angel Dust just scoffed. He knew that Vox was just sweet-talking Alastor, but it still bothered him. Though, he wouldn't say it out loud. Nifty went around and served the soup, before sitting down herself. Everyone was taking to one another, but Angel was narrowing his sight on Alastor and Vox. "You are quite the little rose, you know? So pretty and sweet..." Vox flirted. "Oh Vox~ You are such the pip yourself!" Alastor giggled. He was messing with his hair, a sign that he was enjoying the attention. This made Angel steam. He wanted to tell the other Overlords to fuck off, and not to mess with his dish. Wait! Dish?! God, this is getting ridiculous...

Soon, the other parts of the meal passed, and the topic of conversation came up. The question was 'if there were other universes, and if we would be different in said universes'. Stolas, was surprisingly quiet, even though he knew and study such areas. "Hah! I would be such a pussy then!" Charlie laughed. "Hmmm. That would mean, I would be quite the pervert." Valentino scoffed. "How about you, Alastor?" He then asked. "O-Oh? Me? Umm... I guess, that I would quite mean, I guess." He explained. By this time, he was sitting on Vox's lap. "And quite the stick in the mud." Vox laughed. "Oh hush!" Alastor giggled. "What about you Angel?" Alastor asked, looking at the Mob Boss. "Hm?" Angel Dust asked, he wasn't paying attention. He was too focused on the dirty man named Vox, who was tainting his Bambi. "What do you think you would act like in an alternate universe?" Alastor explained. "Oh. Uh, I guess I would...." Angel turned red. "I see." Alastor giggled. "Anyway. Alastor." Charlie started. "Yeah?" Alastor replied. "Mind using your voodoo-hoodoo magic to poof away the dining set?"She asked. "Of course! But! There is a diffrence-!" Alastor was interrupted. "Do I care?" Charlie asked with a smile.  "Oh,oh okay." Alastor pouted. He then snapped his fingers, and the dining room became a ball room. 


-Pip: Attractive person.

-Dish: Cute looking.

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