I started crawling since I was on my knees, and it'll be much quieter.

Once I got away from the reception, I stood up and walked to the door.

Finally!! I'll be out of this sick hospital!! For real this time!!

A big grin appeared on my face as opened the door, but suddenly...




An alarm went off!! The lights turned on, and people stared getting out of their rooms, wondering what's going on.

Oh shoot!!

I immediately started running, heading down stairs.

I heard a door being open, but I didn't care, I just kept running downstairs.

"There she is!! She's heading down!!", I heard someone yell, making me start panicking.

I came from the fourth floor, and running down the stairs to the ground floor is exhausting!! Especially when you spend all your time laying on a bed!!

I stopped so I could catch my breath as my heart beats fast, but I started hearing footsteps coming really closer to me, so I started running down again.

When I finally made it to the ground floor, I immediately tried to open the door, but once I opened it, then the guard man was waiting for me!!

My eyes widened in fear, I was about to turn around and run away, but he stopped me!!

"You're not going anywhere you little brat!", he said as he grabbed me from my gown and pulled me up!!

I started resisting, but he's too strong!!

"Oh thank god you stopped her!!", the nurse said as she came from upstairs, along with another nurse, they're probably the ones who were running behind me.

"You better keep an eye on her, this is the sixth time she tries to run", the guard man said with annoyance as he handed them me.

"We will, thank you. Can you please turn on the elevator for us? We're from the fourth floor", the other nurse said as she took me and held me in her arms, and I finally gave up and stopped resisting.

There's no point of resisting now..

They walked inside the building and headed to the elevator, once the elevator door opened, then we all got in.

"Ugh, for someone who doesn't have a voice, you're pretty annoying, patient 207. Don't you think Lily?", the nurse said with annoyance as she click on the elevator button.

Did I mention that I don't have a voice? Welp, there ya go, I don't speak, I have a problem in my throat, or at least that's what they think..

"207 you need to stop this nonsense, you're getting us all into a big trouble!", the nurse called Lily who was holding me said.

"Yeah, you like it or not, you're not getting out, you never will, nobody loves you because you'r-", the other nurse was cut off.

"Alright stop this, Jennifer. Don't be so cruel, she's only 6-11 years old! And you'll get us in trouble!", Lily said to as you know now Jennifer.

"I don't care! It's not like she's gonna say anything about it, she had been nothing but pain for all of us!", Jennifer said with anger.

The elevator finally stopped, we got to the fourth floor, the place was a mess, there were kids crying and others were wandering around, while some nurses are trying to calm things down.

"See what I mean?", Jennifer said with crossed arms.

Lily sighed, "I'll take patient 207 to her room, you go help the others", Lily said, and Jennifer nodded at her. "Alright little one, let's take you to your room".

Lily carried me to my room and laid me down on my bed, her eyes then widened as she looked at me. "Honey? Why are you crying", she asked softly.

I looked at her for a second before I turned around, giving her my back, while tears kept rolling down on my cheeks.

"Is it about what Jennifer said at the elevator?", she asked, and I slowly nodded.

She is right, nobody loves me.. I'm here alone.. I am nothing but pain for them...

"Aw honey, don't listen to her, she was just mad and didn't know what she was talking about", Lily said as she pulled my hair behind my ear.

I turned around to look at her. "Everything will be fine, you'll get out eventually", she said as she smiled softly at me, I smiled a little at her and nodded.

"Alright, let's get you ready to sleep now", Lily said as she took out a needle from her pocket.

My eyes widened in fear as I sat up, I hugged myself and started shaking my head as I cried even more.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but it's my job", Lily said with a sad look on her face as she grabbed my arm.

I immediately shut my eyes, I felt the needle make a contact with my skin, followed with a sharp pain.

Not long after, I started getting dizzy and sleepy, Lily pushed me lightly down to lay on the bed, and then.... everything went dark..


That was a long chapter X3

I will continue updating this story and 'Forbidding love'

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