"We made it inside the Senate building." I said through my earpiece.

"Are you safe?" He asked.

"As safe as I think we could be right now, yes." I said softly trying to not be too loud. "We're in our room at the moment, but the door isn't locked if we want to leave."

"You should come back." He said.

"And fly through the millions of ships and get blown to bits? Yeah I don't think so." I said whispering because Apollo couldn't hear me talk so aggressively to Kylo. "Besides I want to find out if those ships are operational, they didn't look to be active, but I want to know for sure. He mentioned something about finding maps here that lead to the ships and it's pilots. I didn't see any, but I didn't dare question him. God forbid when we leave or if you do need to come here I don't want anyone getting blown to bits."

"Athena I don't like this." He said.

"Is there any situation where you would?" I asked.

"If I was with you." He said.

"Well we both know that's not possible. Things are fine for now, we're going to bed soon." I said.

"You'll call me as soon as you wake up right?" He asked.

"You know I will." I said with a sigh. "This place looks so abandoned. It's beautiful but it's filthy in the halls. The room looks fine, but this place hasn't been touched since order 66 to reign."

"Did you see anyone else there?" He asked.

"I think I saw a droid servant down one of the halls, but no other people, no." I said.

"Please stay alert Athena, I'm worried." He said and I could hear his pain. I saw Apollo walk into my room through the bathroom and I sat up in bed.

"I understand Commander, I will reach out to you when we wake up." I said and I could hear him sigh.

"I know you can't say it back, but I love you." He said and I could hear him crying now.

"You as well Kylo." I said and I cut off the connection.

"This place isn't all that bad, I just want to know what he has planned." He said.

"I don't know, but we need to rest, we need to be ready for anything. I have a feeling this linking procedure isn't going to be easy." I said looking visibly upset. I wish I knew what I had in store, but just like everything else about this mission, we were blind to it all.

"Your probably right." He said nodding. "I'll see you in the morning."

I nodded and he closed the door behind him. I groaned as I got under the sheets and tried to settle down. I hadn't slept alone in a long time and much less so far away from Ben. I never thought I had this strong of an attachment to him, but I couldn't deny just his presence would have calmed me. Just being held would be enough for me to fall asleep instantly.

I closed my eyes and tried to relive old memories with Ben. It sounds silly, but I needed him to keep calm. Even if he couldn't be with me right now I still wanted to think of him. I was so scared about when I would see him next. I tried to push that thought aside and tried to think back to the night Ben and I laid in his library and talked for hours until we fell asleep. If I focused hard enough I could almost feel his arms around me. It wasn't the same, but it was enough to bring me to sleep.

I woke up to a light shake of my shoulder. My eyes fluttered open to Apollo who was dressed in different clothes than I was used to seeing him in. He was in stark white robes. He had worn white before, but this was a different kind of off white. He stood above me and I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

Balance ~ Kylo Ren / Ben SoloWhere stories live. Discover now