Chapter 3: As We Keep Memories

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December 2001

    “Honey, what are you still doing up?”

    Dylan watched her mom come down the stairs, rubbing her eyes. She was sleepy too but Christmas is tomorrow, and she’d hate not having her gift ready.

    “Hey, Mom. I just need to finish this and I promise to go to bed.”

    She looked at the clock and groaned to see that it is already past midnight—technically Christmas Day. She grabbed another soda bottle and popped it open, hoping the promised caffeine on the label would help her stay up for a few more minutes, just so she can add a few more finishing touches.

    “That’s really beautiful, Dylan.” She felt her mom look over her shoulder before kissing the top of her head. “Do you want to put in a frame so you can wrap it easily?”

  Dylan’s eyes widened in delight before wrapping her arms around her mother’s neck. “That’d be awesome! Thanks, Mom.”

  Her mother returned a few minutes after, holding a gold and black frame, just big enough to fit her masterpiece. She returned to working as her mom went back up.

  She knew she wasn’t the great at coloring but she knew she drew it well enough that Peter would see the drawings they made on the tree house, or the huge ketchup stain by the doorway when they played burger fight last week.

  Her work was so detailed that she felt proud of her gift. She had saved enough money from her allowance for a nice gift but she was afraid to buy something Peter would hate. So she drew a picture of his favorite place instead. Something he can display and keep for a long time.

    Signing her name in big bold letters underneath, Dylan sighed happily. She carefully placed the drawing inside the frame and unrolled a roll of Christmas wrapper. She carefully cut and taped the edges, and placed a small greeting card at the middle. She wrote her greeting and carefully placed her gift under the table. She cleaned up her worktable before making her way upstairs. Tomorrow, she’d probably be too sleepy to walk but her gift was worth it.


    Dylan felt her bed dip lightly before it shook with all force that she almost fell off the bed. She tried to pry one eye open and they landed on Peter, bouncing on her bed.

    She rolled her eyes and put the blanket over her head, wanting to go back to sleep. “Go away!” She felt like she had just finished minutes ago, and she hasn’t had a wink of sleep yet.

    “Come on, Dylan No-fun. It’s time to open the presents.” Dylan felt her blanket being pulled away from her and gave up. She sat up and felt for her slippers, when a pair of cold hands put them on for her.

    She looked at Peter with a smirk on his face, pulling at her arms. “You are such a slow poke. Come on. I’m excited for you to see my gift.” She tried to pull her arms off his grasp, her legs headed to the bathroom.

  “Let go! I need to brush my teeth. And my hair.” Dylan said pointedly. Her mom would freak out to see her hair in unknown tangles during Christmas, and she hasn’t even put on her Christmas sweater yet. She tugged her new sweater off the hanger and put it on before she went to the bathroom. When the door bounced open, she pulled harder, only to see Peter’s foot blocking the way.

    “What are you doing?” Dylan asked, her hands on her hips. Instead of answering, Peter went inside and sat by the sink counter, watching her curiously. “I’m going to time you as you brush your teeth. I know you take forever.”

    “Fine.” In haste, she grabbed her toothbrush and cleaned her teeth hurriedly as her other hand started on her hair. “You’re hopeless.” Peter commented before grabbing the brush from her, and started fixing her hair. She stared at him in astonishment when her mom called out to them.

    “Kids! It’s time!”

    She had barely rinsed her teeth when Peter pulled her out and down the stairs.

    “Slow down!” she scolded as her steps quickened as they went down but Peter wasn’t hearing any of it. She looked down to see he has kept his grip on her hands when he took their gifts from under the tree.

    “Mom, Dad, Aunt Mary, Uncle James, and everybody. We’ll just be in the tree house. Is that okay?” Peter asked as Dylan looked at her parents’ reaction. Their parents looked at each other, muttering beyond their hearing. It was Peter’s mom who answered, before the rest nodded.

    “Sure, Peter. But make sure to come back okay? Your cousin Noah is on his way.“

    They made their way to the tree house that they’ve fixed up with Christmas decoration weeks before. Peter pushed the window open, before handing Dylan his gift.

    “I’m too nervous.” he admitted, wiping his hands on the sides of his pants. “Open it and just tell me you hate it.”

  Dylan’s face morphed into disgust as she eyed the gift warily. “Why did you put blood on it again?” She remembered the last gift he gave her. It was a weird keychain with blood marks that he had meant as a joke, but it scared her so much that she has doubted his gifts since then.

    “No. My mom said you’d like it but you’re 10. She might be super wrong.” He pointed out. Just as she was about to rip the wrapper, she handed him her gift and shrugged her shoulders. “You open yours, too.”

    Peter nodded and seated beside her as they sunk into the silence. They stared at their opened gift moments later, with no words spoken. It was Dylan who broke the ice when she jumped across the room and hugged Peter tightly.

    “This is the most awesome gift ever. I love it!” she squealed. She moved back and saw Peter’s shocked expression. “Really?”

    “Duh.” she rolled her eyes. “Now I have something really pretty to hang up in my room.” She held her gift up and smiled. It was the first picture they’ve taken together. They were seated above the kitchen countertop, laughing, with their faces covered with flour. It was their first attempt to make cookies. Only to be caught by their moms playing with the ingredients.

    Peter shook his head and held Dylan’s work up. “No, this is the best. This is so cool, Dylan. Thanks.”

    “You like it?”
    “Are you kidding? Yes! I’m keeping this forever.” Dylan broke into a grin when Peter moved closer, and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. She put her hand up on her cheek in shock before she grabbed her gift and went down the stairs. She ran as fast as she can, her heart beating like crazy.

    “Dylan, wait. I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to.”

    She heard Peter call her but she couldn’t stop. Not until she’s safe in her room. She looked at their picture before putting it on her night desk. A knock on the door startled her that she put her blanket over her body, pretending to be asleep.

    “Dylan, I’m really sorry. “ She heard Peter snuffle. “I hope you forgive me,” She heard his steps headed out and she felt bad. Maybe he didn’t mean to. Friends can make mistakes, right? Mom said so.

     She took a deep breath before removing her blanket, following after Peter. She held his arm lightly and smiled.

    “It’s okay. I forgive you.”
    Peter wiped his eyes, a small smile on his face. “You do?”

    “Of course. We’re best friends right? We have to forgive each other, even if we do something that’s not nice. That’s how it works. So, do you want to eat some Christmas cookies in the tree house?”

    Peter grinned widely and nodded.  “Yeah. Best friends forever?”

    “Forever and ever, until your toes hurt.” Dylan giggled.

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