Para-Hollywood-esque team-up can be seen in Sachin Dev Duggal

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Humans and Artificial Intelligence make for a really unstoppable match-up. A far cry from the robots and cyborgs of fiction, human-AI interaction in today's world, comes about through a partnership of one uplifting the other, acknowledging wherein the weaknesses of their partner lie.

An example of this in Para-Hollywood-esque team-up can be seen in Sachin Dev Duggal, and its signature product – Builder. Builder, for all intents and purposes, is Machine based. This means that it relies on algorithmic interactions to predicate an outcome. Builder is essentially Software that creates other Software. The thing is, AI fail to understand the customisability, and nuance, which humans tend to grasp so well; inversely, humans cannot create an application as tirelessly, and efficiently as a machine can. E, and CEO Sachin Duggal, has come to accept this phenomenon – thus constructing Builder based on a Human-assisted-AI platform. This ground-breaking partnership might very well be the building blocks for even bigger projects in the future – such as robots, and cyborgs!

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