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    Arthur couldn't help it he started to worry. They couldn't find Merlin anywhere along the road, and going on foot he couldn't have gone far. "We need to backtrack" Gwaine eventually voiced thoughts they had both been thinking. They made their way carefully along the path looking for signs of Merlin. Eventually Gwaine let out a cry of triumph. Arthur rushed over to him. He pointed to the triscillian carved into the tree. "This would have caught Merlin's eye and, knowing him he would have followed it." Gwaine nudges his horses into the forest following a crude dirt path. They travel in silence on the curling path through the forest. The sun hangs low and the evening birds start to sing. Everything seemed so serene Arthur could hardly believe it real. Gwaine holds up his hands and dismounts. Arthur follows suit and walks up to him. There among the trees Gwaine points to a light. Cautiously the men approach what appears to be a big bonfire. They tie their horses to a tree and approach quietly on foot. Arthur silently thanks Gwaine for giving him the spare navy cloak as it helps him blend in with the rapidly settling dusk. They reach the edge of a clearing that's full of people in rich forest green cloaks. Gwaine and Arthur hide in the bushes and watch the unfolding events.

As if an unspoken command sounds everyone drops their hoods at once. Arthur scans the crowd until he finds Merlin. He's shocked and nearly launches forward if not for Gwaine’s restraining hand on his shoulder. Merlin looks calm and at ease. Shoulders relaxed and there was a happy smile on his face. Arthur wasn't used to this, Merlin always looked tense and slightly apprehensive in the castle these days.

“Friend’s” aloud rich voice echoes through the clearing. We are gathered once again to celebrate the coming of Samhain. Many of you have travelled far to witness the events of the Eclipse. I warn you now; we are the first and last line of defence. Whatever may try to come through the doorway must not succeed. We stand alone tonight but that does not mean that we will fail. We stand united, our courage, strength and magic, may they be our sturdy weapons and guide. But first let us celebrate!

With that the tense atmosphere that had been building relaxes. Whoops and cheers from men and women sound as they drop their cloaks at the edge of the clearing. To Arthur's surprise cloaks aren't the only garments that get removed. The men strip bare to their chests and removed their shoes keeping their trousers. Women wear strange tops that don’t even cover their stomachs, all in bright colours. They wear long skirts with two tears on either side going all the way to their waist. Everyone lines up in front of five women who start to paint their bodies and faces. At this Gwaine started to explain to him. "Its traditional dress and nothing they consider immodest. I presume that there will be dancing and from their point of view no point in overheating." "What about the paint?" Arthur just couldn't bring himself to ask about Merlin acting so familiar with druids. Because that's what they were, druids. The tattoos of the Triskelion were plain to see on their skin with no clothes to hide them. “They paint themselves according to their skill sets.” Again Gwaine explains to Arthur “Healers are green, warriors are red, mages are blue and royalty is purple. There are other colours but you'll have to ask Merlin about them." “How did you learn about this stuff?” Gwaine looks at him like he’s an idiot. “Merlin told me of course.” Just as he's mentioned the man himself appears.

His paint is unlike the others. Arthur was surprised to find that Merlin was well built. Defined muscles were evident on his stomach and arms. All the jokes he'd made about Merlin being weak were misplaced, in front of them stood an imposing figure. Merlin's body was glowing. He was painted in all different colours. Red, blue, green, purple, and most prominently gold. It took a moment for Arthur's eyes to focus but once they did he was astounded by what he saw. Merlin had a dragon twisting around his torso. What he thought had been blurred lines was the dragon moving across his skin. He turned to Gwaine who looked equally as shocked. "Gwaine, what does it mean?" Gwaine pauses gathering his thoughts. It means that the Prophecies are true what you’re looking at is Emrys.” But the name was lost on Arthur. “He is destined to lead the great king to unite the lands of Albion. He I mean Merlin is the embodiment of magic itself. You’re looking at the greatest warlock the world will ever see Merlin didn’t tell He was Emrys!" Arthur looks at Gwaine again stunned. But he's Merlin! Gwaine looks at him to he points at Merlin. Does that look like just Merlin to you?

He looks back to the Druids again trying to find his manservant. There dancing in a circle around the fire with many others is Merlin. But he looks different, he looks powerful strong and graceful. They moved to the time of the drum beat, twisting and turning like Arthur had never seen before. More and more people joined moving in and out shouting in joy. The pace quickens and the dancers seem almost frantic, speeding up till people start to drop out. Arthur hardly notices until there are only five remaining. Everyone cheers and yells as one final loud drumbeat sounds and the dancers fall down. People clap and laugh until a hush falls over the crowd. People started to murmur until someone calls out. “Emrys tell us a story of one of your adventures.” Merlin looks up and around seeing that he has no choice he stands up, his dragon twisting all the while. “Which one do you want to hear?” Shouts go up “When you rescued the kings wife!........ When you defeated the immortal army……..” Then the final one. “How you saved Camelot from the dragon.” Nods of consent agreement go through the crowd. Merlin sighs and people huddle in closer to hear better.

 When he starts Merlin’s voice is rich and deep his gaze lost in the distance seeing something that only he was privileged enough to view. “When the purge started Uther tried destroyed the world of magic, anything associated with it. His plan was carefully laid out for he knew that he couldn’t wage war on something that was so deeply imbedded in society. He knew he had to gain support of the nobles and then his people.  First to go were the criminals, Next were the magical monsters, slowly but surely he gained support and others began to wage his war.” The fire behind Merlin danced and started to move. Shapes formed of fiery people and Arthur realised that the fire was telling the story as well as Merlin.

       Then Uther made his final move, he outlawed magic the crime punishable by death itself. It was too late for those with Magic, there was nothing to do but flee the city”. The fire shows children, women and men running from caped figures. Arthur was entranced unable to look away, he can almost hear the screams. “The weaker fell first but the strong soon followed. Uther used the very weapons the dragons had forged in their own against them. Army’s advanced across the land killing anything that even hinted at magic.” The fire showed masses of soldiers swarming dragons and slaying them burning houses and killing people as they fled. Until there was only one dragon left. The oldest and the wisest; Kilgarragh, The Great Dragon. Now set in his ways he was determined to punish the dragon, whose very existence seemed to offend the king. Eventually he imprisoned the Mighty Dragon, to prove a point that even the greatest may fall. Kilgarragh was dammed to live out the rest of his days in the dark dank cave. Uther knew that Dragons are blessed with exceptionally long lives and he knew that the dragon was doomed to live far past him. He hardly told a soul of his achievement and planned that the Dragon would stay there for the rest of his miserable existence. Never to feel sunlight warm his back, never to feel the wind beneath his wings. He was alone no company but his thoughts and his bittersweet memory's, waiting in hope that someday he would be free so he might exact his revenge on Uther Pendragon.  So, magic was shunned and its very use punishable by death. Uther had his wish, Druids had retreated to the forests and the hills, content among themselves never to stray to Camelot, waiting for the Prophesy to unfold.”

For the women’s cloths think of Indian belly dancers without the bangles.

Merlin; Before CamelotWhere stories live. Discover now