Chapter 3 : It's Just a Dream

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Iris's POV

I went inside the tent along side the little bug and Dottie, as I went inside, the halls were filled with the echos of a sweet melodic accordian playing, it was Brumm, playing his accordian in the side of the hall, the little bug(?) approached him, he didn't speak, but he lifted his head up to Brumm signaling Brumm that he was going to listen, Brumm looked down to the little bug(?) and spoke

"Mrmm. You called us? Speak to Master." He said as he turned his face back to his accordian, swaying his body left to right, synchronized with the rhythm of his accordian playing

We left Brumm in his position as we walked across the halls, for some reason I felt like something is different in the tent, I can't tell what, but it feels like we're being watched by someone, as we enter a room, the room where grimm is supposed to me, Brumm's accordian went quiet, then the entrance to the room closed shut, Dottie chirped frighteningly and flew close to me, the room was soon filled with a red mist as Brumm's accordian playing broke the silence, as the mist made it's way to the center the accordian playing stopped and a pillar of scarlet flame appeared in the mist, the mist cleared up and the flames disappear, revealing Grimm infront of us, facing the other way, the little bug approached Grimm and looked up, Grimm tilted his head slightly, revealing his scarlet glare to him,

"So, it was you who called us.

Well met, my friend. Well met. I am Grimm, master of this troupe.
The lantern has been lit, and your summons heeded. A fine stage you choose, this kingdom fallowed by worm and root, perfect earth upon which our Ritual shall take place.
And you, my friend. Your own part is far from over.
As the lantern flared your role was cast, our compact written in scarlet fire.
Eager we are to see you commence, but first, some illumination is required.
Across these lands my kin now spread, harvesting that essence peculiar to my... breed, the flame in dream.
Seek my kin; claim their flame and return it to me. Together, marvels shall be achieved.
But don't fret small one. For this task you won't travel alone. My child shall guide you to the flame and gather within itself that burning essence.
Like you, the child plays key role in this task. Only with it by your side will the flame, and my kin, reveal themselves to you." Grimm said with his deep dusty voice, he used one of his arms and opened his cloak, a little bug flew out, it looked like Grimm, kinda..., Then he looked to me

"We will be watching you little Ghost" Grimm said as he disappeared in a pillar of flame

Then I heard voices in my head, a deep dusty voice, echoing in my head and down my spine

"watch him, we will be watching you" the voice said

"What do you mean?" I thought in my head asking the voice that didn't respond, I walked over to Dottie as she was nibbling on her wing feathers

"Hey Dottie, you know I'll really miss you and uhm it's been so fun dreaming, but i think i gotta wake up you know" i said to Dottie, thinking that everything is a dream

"But Iris, it's not a dream, everything about this, it's all real" Dottie said trying to convince me

"Riiiiight..." I said in disbelief and in a sarcastic tone

"Welp, bye, I promise I'll feed you more regularly when I wake up" i said as I closed my eyes and focused very hard, but...nothing happened

"That's strange, this is my dream, i should be able to control everything in here" I said in slight disapointment

"Mrmm Mistress, i've got a bit of news mrmm" Brumm came interfiending

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