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"Emily! Stop! for the last god damn time, I down want to wear these shoes!" I struggled to pull her thin fingers from my ankles as she fastened the nude imitation leather buckle above my foot. She swatted my hand away, continuing to strap the four inch nude heel to my unwilling body.

"Come on! Its winter formal, and your brother really wants you to go! We're worried that you stay in too much. I mean, all you ever do is sit on your laptop and write!" She spoke in her usual high pitched voice. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you think there is a reason I don't come out and socialize? Those sweaty guys you call teenagers are always here! Plus I don't even have a date, so whats the point?" I sighed as I tried to get comfortable in the shoe, I knew she wasn't going to let me out of until the end of the night.

"Yeah I figured that. So I went ahead and found one for you. And before you say anything, you already know him, he's super sweet, cute and Sam has approved this guy, so we are all set." She brought herself off of her knees so we were eye level. She scanned her eyes over the flowy, mauve dress that clung to my torso and flared out at my hips, with a slit up my leg.

"No. You're kidding right? It's Seth isn't it? You recruited one of the sweat machines to be my date?" My head sagged into my hands. My brothers fiancé pulled my tan fingers from my face.

"Get your hands off of my master piece, before you smudge it! And Seth is a great kid! Quite the gentlemen if you ask me." She smiled as she plucked loose strands of hair from my face. 

"I know ,but won't it be awkward and all with-" Emily pressed a slender finger to my nude painted lips to silence me.

"Just go with the flow hun, and everything will be fine. Now. I need to show you off to your brother before you leave." I heard a low mumble rise from the kitchen. I just assumed that Sam was on the phone with Sue or billy. (Or at least someone from the council) I brushed it off. Em and I made our way to the bathroom one last time looking over my painted face, braided hair and beautiful dress. I sighed at the sight. Temporary. This feeling would only be temporary. The feeling of the food in the bottom of my stomach curdling from sheer nervousness. Nervous of the fact that in someway tonight I can and most likely will embarrass myself.

"Bracelyn. I can read you like a book with no cover. Stop worrying, you look beautiful. You are going to have the time of your life tonight. Just relax and smile. Dance like nobody is watching." She lightly rubbed her thumb against my right cheek in consolation. I closed my eyes, smiled and took a deep breath.

"Okay. Let's go." I said through a breathy voice. she took my hand and lead me out of the makeup littered bathroom. I walked through the small hallway, listening to the light click of my heels. 

When we reached the living room I inhaled sharply at the source of the previous murmurs. The ENTIRE sweat pack was standing there crouched around Sam. The one with the anger issues, who's name I couldn't remember said good bye to the guys and left before they noticed me. 

Emily cleared her throat, drawing all of he boys attention to us. 

"Oh my god. Little Uley grew boobs!" Embry remarked and everyone but me, my brother and Em laughed. I smacked the back of his head.

"Thats my sister! Say something like that again and I'll press your hand to hot cast iron." My older brother glared at the teen who sat there with a punished look on his face. He walked over,  scooped me up into his muscle banded arms  and twirled me around making my dress sway to and fro.

"My little U is all growing up! You look beautiful L.U." He smiled and set me down. His hands lay on my shoulders, while a tear danced at his water line.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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