A Poem For The Bi*ch

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I was eagerly waiting for Boris, outside of school. I was sitting in the grass, nervously twirling grass through my fingers.

Then I saw Boris walking over, wearing his red sweater, and he was smiling at me. He sat beside me.

"Hi Boris," I say.

"Hi potter." He replied.

"How did the poem go?.." I ask.

"You'll like it." Is all he said. He took out a cigarette.

"It isn't romantic.. right?" I ask.

"Of course not! It's a hate poem," He said, and handed me the cigarette.

I smiled. Relief swept over me. "Thanks.."

"Theo, I never meant to hurt you're feelings." He said, quickly. He turned to me.

"I know.. it's okay. I forgive you." I reply.

"Let's start over, with this whole teacher bullsh*t. Okay?" He asked.


In class :

"Alright, students.." Our teacher said, and smiled at Boris.

I glared at her. What a bi*ch. I wanted to scream it at the top of my lungs.

I stood up, and stared at her. My fists clenched tightly.

Everyone stared at me. Including her.

"What is it?" She asked.

I tried to speak, but I couldn't. I sat down.

"Okay, then.. we'll, no more wasting time. Boris, come up." She said.

"I want to read it to the class," Boris said, and stood up, staring at her the whole time. He walked to the front of the classroom. He eyed me, with a wink.

He cleared his throat, then said : "Dear b*tch,

I don't mean to snitch.. but the truth I have stored. All these things I have ignored.

Everyday you stare at me, you glare at me, you give signs. You deserve to pay multiple fines.

Yesterday you tried to kiss me, but can't you see? My heart belongs to Theodore, and me and you are nothing more.

You may be beautiful, you may be hot.. but Theo has many qualities you do not. He treats me kindly, you act small mindedly.. (idc that's not a word lol)

I will never forgive myself for not speaking up, so why don't you go drink poison from a cup? (omg lol😳)

I hope you rot in jail, and soon burn in Hell. And then I would have nothing to hide, everything I can tell.

So leave me alone, and don't abuse me. Only someone who isn't so blind can see..

I don't know what else to say, but there is much more.. in conclusion, you're an a**hole, and I hope you die with much gore."

(Omg everyone I'm sorry that poem sucked!! 😂😳 I couldn't think of anything, it's so cringe and bleh.. ugh)

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