The Place

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After a while, we came to the woods.

"Isn't it peaceful?" Boris asked, as we started into the woods.

"It's pretty nice." I said, and swatted at a bee buzzing around me.

"What are you swatting at?" Boris asked.

"A .. just a bee.." I said, and tried to hit the Bee.

"Calm down. Here." Boris said, and put my hands down. He hit the bee.

"Wow, How did you catch it?" I ask.

"I have my ways, Theo," He replied with a shrug, and we continued walking.

After a few minutes, I sighed. "Where is it we're going?" I ask.

"My favorite place in the world." He replied.

"So we're going to a drug house?" I ask.

"Are you making fun of me?" He asked.

"No. No, of course not.. I was just-" I say.

"I was teasing you.." Boris said, and smirked.

After a little while longer, we came to a pond. It had lilypads, and blossoms in it. And the water was.... pretty much a little dirty. It was a little brown, an I could even spot some frogs hiding in the tall weeds that went around the pond.

"Is this.." I asked, when Boris came in front of me.

Boris took his shirt off, and turned to face me.

"We're actually swimming in here?" I ask, and laugh.

"No I enjoy the occurrence of mosquitos biting at my open stomach.." Boris said, sarcastically.

"I'm leaving my clothes on then." I replied.

Boris looked at me with a weird expression.

"You're not leaving those on. They'll get all dirty." He said.

"So would I. Not much of a difference, pal." I say, and laugh a little.

Boris shrugged, and threw his shirt and shoes at me.

"Hey."I said, laughing.

"If you're going to sit there, then at least be my butler. Make yourself useful." Boris teased.

Boris got into the water, and ran his hand through his shaggy wet hair. He smiled, with his eyes closed.

I couldn't help but stare. He was so cute.. I got distracted, and dropped his clothes.

He looked at me, and laughed. "Oh Theo.." he said.

"I'm coming in." I say, and take off my shirt. Boris was staring at me.

I slowly approached the pond, and jumped when a frog scared me.

"Come on in.." Boris said, and held out his arms.

I jumped into his arms, and we both fell under the dirty water.

A few seconds later, we came up, sputtering water.

Boris looked so hot.. he was all soaked, and the sun was reflecting on his face.

"You're glasses! Where are they?" Boris exclaimed.

"Crap! I forgot to take them off.. oh no, my mom will kill me.." I said, and went underwater.

Boris went under too, and smiled at me underwater. He handed me my glasses, and then grabbed me. Our lips touched.

I pulled Boris closer, and he did the same. Pretty soon, we were making out underwater. Like, full on making out.

Eventually I choked, and had to come back up.

"Did Theo not like it?" Boris asked, and smirked.

"Oh, no.. I loved it.." I said, and set my glasses on a rock.

I grabbed Boris again, and we started making out above water. He pushed me against a rock gently, and he started kissing my neck.

I enjoyed every last second of it.

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